Sugar, Not Refined Foods Or Starches Source Of Cavities In Western Societies

10th August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

A TV commercial showing a child who boasts about having only one cavity reveals to us the sad state of the nation’s dental health. Upon reaching the age of 21, the child’s boast of one cavity will not mean a thing because he will have had much more by then.

At one point in time, everyone will have cavities.A lot of reasons can be offered for why it happens. It’s possible that families may have bad teeth even though there could be no explanation as to why this is so. Your grandfather’s excellent dental records do not ensure that yours will be good also. Maybe fluoridated water was available for him. He may not have been really keen on too many sweets. And he probably kept his teeth clean by brushing them with some kind of tooth powder and rinsing them with salt water. For further insights on dentist sydney be sure to visit that site.

A number of options may be undertaken by you. You can push the local government to fluoridate the drinking water. Research shows that the presence of cavities is cut by half when children drink fluoridated water. Fluoride keeps calcium within the bones of the aged, decreasing the chances of them developing osteoporosis.

Eating food with sugar should be done in a controlled manner.Sugar in sticky forms should be avoided as much as possible. Plaque is the first step to the growth of dental caries. The plaque conceals bacteria that produce acid which causes the teeth to corrode.The bacteria’s favorite food is a substance known as dextran.

Sugar eaten during a meal is not as bad as eating sugar between meals. British mothers let their babies suck from infant pacifiers that have a small quantity of syrup in them.A convincing medical curiosity will drive the point home.Gain a better understanding relating to dental surgery sydney.

Hereditary fructose intolerance affects families. Fructose and sucrose consumption make these people violently sick. These victims keep away from food with sucrose. As a result, they don’t have any cavities even if they eat food containing carbohydrates.

This clearly points to sugar as the leading cause of cavities developed among the people of Western nations.You should recall that all parts of the mouth are sensitive to your nutritional state. A number of vitamins and minerals are needed by your body for proper tooth formation and dental health. Chewing on hard food will actually help in cleaning teeth and also in stimulating gums.

This all shows just why it is so essential to brush our teeth and go to the dentist regularly. You might have to deal with unnecessary hardship.

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Posted on: August 10, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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