{Dental Implant: A Far Better Solution To Regain Your Missing Tooth

6th August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

So far dental implants is one of the most aesthetic techniques of recovering a missing tooth.

A dental implant is a false tooth that is used to restore a missing tooth. It is comprised of two parts, the implant and the crown. The implant acts as the base of the prosthetic tooth, it is made from titanium and is fused on the jawbone. The crown which is fabricated from porcelain is crafted to approximate the look of an authentic tooth.

The advantage with dental implant is that it looks as authentic as the other existing teeth. Since it’s base is directly inserted on the jawbone it appears then that the prosthetic tooth grows naturally from the gum.

Another advantage of dental implant is that it doesn’t bring on pressures on the teeth besides it, in contrast to a dental bridge in which the two teeth that beside the missing tooth are utilized by the bridge as anchor or support. Obviously these two adjacent teeth will be exposed to some pressures since they support the dental bridge.

Dental implants are also more comfortable than dentures because they are permanent and stable, while dentures have the tendency to move while you are talking and while you are eating. There’s even a probability that it can be thrown out of the mouth during gurgling or if it’s a single denture there’s the probability that it can be swallowed while eating or while asleep. For those people who have been wearing dentures for quite a time now, it’s now time to substitute it with dental implants which apart from being more convenient to wear, it is absolutely more aesthetic.

The dental implant procedure

The titanium implant is embedded on the jawbone via surgery. This is ideally performed by a gum specialist or periodontist. The implant is left to osseointegrate which means that the jawbone will grow naturally all-around the exterior of the implanted titanium. Osseointegration will enable the implant to be securedly held in position by the jawbone. The process of osseointegration occurs for a span of two to six months. Some gum swelling and pain can be felt after the surgery; this can be prevented by taking anti inflammatory medications and pain relievers. To avoid further swelling and infection, antiseptic mouthwash need to be used and food intake should be limited to soft foods and soups only.

The second stage of the procedure is the placement of an abutment in the implant; this should be undertaken only after osseointegration had already happened. This is like a post where the crown will be fastened. The cosmetic dentist or periodontist sees to it that the shade, shape and physical appearance of the crown match the existing teeth, thus it will look as normal as these other teeth. The second stage of the procedure is the placement of an abutment in the implant; this should be undertaken only after osseointegration had already happened. This is like a post where the crown will be fastened. The cosmetic dentist or periodontist sees to it that the shade, shape and physical appearance of the crown match the existing teeth, thus it will look as normal as these other teeth.

One requirement for a successful implant is a healthy and strong jaw bone, particularly the area of the bone where the implant will be embedded. Dental implant is a failure, if the implant fails to osseointegrate or if the implant moves or is displaced. The probability for failure is greater if the patient is a cigarette smoker. Now, if you really desire to have implants, it is advisable that you stop smoking first otherwise you’ll just be losing your money as this treatment is quite costly.|Hence, cosmetic dentists do not prescribe this to smokers, but if they do want to have implants then they should stop smoking first, so they will not be losing money as this treatment is expensive.

Overall, the advantages of dental implants far outweigh the cost as long as your jawbones are robust and you observe proper dental hygiene.

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