The Proper Workout For The Abdomen With Your Workout Program 2009

5th August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Military exercises that we see on TV are not the best for the body. For our own purposes, working out is mainly for staying fit and trim rather than working out like athletes and soldiers who need extra physical strength and stamina with advanced exercises. If you’re a regular person who doesn’t want to kill themselves doing tuff sit-ups, below are better exercises to help you.

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Exercise Ball Crunches

Crunches are key to keeping your stomach fit. The most effective crunches used, is the one using an exercise ball. Your feet should be flat on the ground while sitting on the ball. Lie back on the ball making your torso, as well as your thighs, parallel to the floor. With the chin tucked in, criss-cross your arms over your chest. Next, contract your abs while lifting your torso to a 45 degree angle. When tightening the stomach, make sure you exhale. If you want your side muscles worked, put your legs closer together, but if not, then just keep them spread. Loosening the contraction, take a breath.

The Reverse Crunch

This is another great exercise where you lie on your back and extend your arms away from you on the ground. Now cross your ankles and with your knees slightly bent, lift them to a ninety degree angle. Your back should stay flat to the ground for the most pull in your stomach. You can pull your legs up to point towards the ceiling for a good contraction. Repeat it as much as you want.

To Do the Bicycle

Lay down with your lower back kept flat on the ground. A forty-five degree angle is then made as you lift your knees and peddle. Keep your hands next to your head as you do this. Touch your left elbow to your right knee as it cycles toward you. Repeat this on the opposite side. Make sure you stay aware of your breathing, so you don’t run out of breath.

These exercises will put your abdomen in top shape if done a few times a week. If any of this feels extremely uncomfortable, make sure you refrain from doing it again until you see your doctor. Overdoing it may cause you to strain yourself. As time passes, you will find that you will be able to do more reps with less effort. These are great ways towards results in a flatter abdomen and a way to start building 6-pack abs if you choose.

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