Top Ways To Prevent Bad Breath

3rd August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Bad breath is one of the top serious oral problems experienced by a lot of people. If it persists on a daily basis it might even escalate into a social concern for the affected person. Just imagine yourself having a big bad breath problem. How can you socialize when each time you open your mouth to speak, you see the immediate change in people’s faces as if they have just smelled a skunk. It is indeed far from being a pleasant experience. That is why how to prevent bad breath is one of the most consulted condition to the dentists.

Quite unsurprising but dentists like Dr. Jonathan Hartley have been hearing this complaint from their patients for a very long time. What comes as a surprise is that more often than not, a bad breath problem could have been avoided if the person suffering from it had brushed his teeth regularly. That is to say at least two times in a day or more preferably after every meal. But the fact remains that many adults have failed in this manner, some even brushing only once a day, usually just after they wake up. This is unacceptable because the way to a fresher smelling breath is a good oral hygiene to begin with.

Is there a treatment for bad breath and if yes, what are these? People who have this problem will move heaven and earth just to solve it. The good news is that there are home solutions that you can first try out. If none of these works, then it is time to consult the professionals.

However, before we go on any further, it is top that you first analyze the general condition of your teeth. By any chance you have tooth decay? If yes, chances are it is the culprit that is causing your bad breath problem. Tooth decay and other dental problems can lead to halitosis and should be immediately checked by the dentist, just like Dr. Jonathan Hartley, in case of any further complications.

There are some natural oils that can be used to combat bad breath and tea tree oil and peppermint oil are just two of the more common ones. You can put a few drops on your mouth or on your toothpaste. When looking for your next mouthwash, it is better if you can find these essential oils in the listed ingredients of the mouthwash.

If you want to create your own mouth wash you can do so by mixing 50% hydrogen peroxide with 50% water. The resulting solution is an effective mouth wash that can kill most bacteria that cause bad breath.

Another possible cause is dry mouth because there is where bacteria mostly thrive. You can solve your dry mouth problem by chewing on gum or drinking water more frequently. By chewing gum you are creating more saliva which in turn keeps your mouth wet.

Using breath fresheners, while effective, are not really considered as permanent solutions. These only temporarily get rid of your bad breath and is often good for just a couple of hours, after which you need to re-apply your freshener. The same goes with mints. These items are not the long term solutions for any serious bad breath problem.

Most dentists like Dr. Jonathan Hartley highly recommend that we go to them for a dental check up on a more regular basis. It is not enough that we have our teeth and mouth checked only once a year. After all bad breath and most other dental problems can be treated if these are diagnosed as early as possible.

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