
28th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Acupuncture is the use where fine thin needles are introduced and guided into specific points of the body in order to remedy painfulness or for medical uses. Traditional Chinese medication has developed special acupuncture designates which are placed on meridians over which qi or the vital free energy of the body flows. However, in that respect are no histological or analogical grounds to back the assumptions around acupuncture points or meridians.

The use of acupuncture in China can be retraced backwards to 3000 B.C. as rock acupuncture needles were found in archeological sites in Mongolia. Although acupuncture is assumed to have started in China, several forms of it, including Japanese, Tibetan, Korean and Vietnamese acupuncture is exercised all over the world. The modern interest in acupuncture grew popular in the United States during 1970s, purportedly subsequently James Reston who underwent emergency appendix operation in China wrote an article to The New York Times. During the surgery, acupuncture treatment was employed on Mr. Reston to reduce discomfort. Therefore, due to the rising pursuit in acupuncture The National Acupuncture Association (NAA) was formed to further the use of acupuncture by conducting seminars and presentations. In addition, in 1972, the UCLA Acupuncture Pain Clinic was pioneered by the NAA.

Acupuncture has undergone extensive technological inquiries and studies although it yet continues a debatable matter among doctors and research workers. Several studies have exhibited results that suggest that acupuncture is an efficient method to handle certain circumstances although many lay claim that these results could be explained over the placebo effect. The placebo effect is where the patient is sort of tricked into thinking that actual medical treatment is being carried out and consequently, aiding the therapeutic action by motivating the patient. However, a report published by the World Health Organization states that after certain monitored clinical tests, it was resolved that acupuncture has proven to be effective for 28 conditions such as, depression, headache, and strokes. Furthermore, it also claims that evidence also goes to suggest that dozens of other conditions may be cared for effectively through acupuncture.

Furthermore, several medical associations such as the National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) and the American Medical Association (AMA) have published studies involving the effect of accupuncture. The common perception around acupuncture is that it is secure, only if performed by trained people applying sterile needles. However, further research in the matter is promoted by doctors as well as research workers.

Acupuncture still continues to be a rather mysterious cast of medical treatment with a fair percentage of doubters. Notwithstanding, it might prove to be simply the treatment for numerous untreatable medical circumstances.

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