Adult Braces

8th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Up to now braces were considered only appropriate for young boys and girls, however, in more recent years grownups, even at the age of forty, are solving orthodontist issues with braces.

As opposed to child braces, adult braces are designed for long term use, between eighteen months and about three years, and are used to fix problems such as crooked teeth, over bite and other orthodontic problems.

Recommended for people over the age of eighteen, adult braces are an highly effective, yet gradual way of curing orthodontic problems which, if left ignored, can lead to serious dental problems in later life.

As soon as the braces are removed, a retainer is given to the patient, to maintain the results of the treatment method. Don’t forget, adult orthodontic treatment can be a slow process, as unlike in children, adults teeth have ceased growing, so be prepared to wear the brace for a year or two.

An expert’s advice and prescription will need to be prescribed prior to obtaining an adult brace as braces are designed in different ways and in various forms depending on the age of the patient and the orthodontic problems they face.

You will find numerous types of braces available, which include metal braces, custom made braces and invisible braces, however be sure to check your budget as they can fluctuate in cost quite significantly.

Visiting a orthodontist is essential as they can evaluate and guide you on what the best sort of orthodontic care is needed to give you the smile you always wanted.

Keeping your teeth in good condition is essential and regular examinations are important. If you do decide on orthodontic treatment, to correct your teeth, then ensure you find a competent, skilled orthodontist to carry out the work.

Find out more on obtaining the smile that you always wanted and straightening crooked teeth by visiting adult orthodontics chichester and chichester dentist today.


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