Irvine Chiropractor Wellness Will Heal You Over Time

3rd July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The medical community has been invaluable in helping to alleviate the health and physical complaints of the average human, but sometimes their ability is limited. Although few people look forward to a visit to the doctor, it is one of the first places people go when they don’t feel well. This is true in the case of car accidents as well, but specialist’s such as Irvine Chiropractor may offer a better alternative to the treatment of accident-related injuries than other forms of medicine provide.

The survival instinct of humans is extremely strong. Not only do we stiffen and brace ourselves when confronted with an unexpected event, such as a trip or fall, but the power of this instinct increases with the danger the situation. This is especially so in a collision. This instinct to stiffen, or brace ourselves, is perhaps one of the worst things a person can do during the event. This is because the impact causes stressors on the body that are exacerbated when the body becomes stiff.

When an impact occurs, the head is thrown forward and then back at an incredible pace and an airbag explodes with the force of about 200 miles per hour, hitting the driver and passengers square in the face and chest. Although it has been known to save hundreds of lives, it still hurts. It also often results in injuries that are not readily noticeable.

Along with the aforementioned head movement is the side-to-side movement of the lower back, hips, and legs resulting in injury that affects lower limbs. Once the movement stops, the first thing a person does is hesitate in order to begin evaluating their injuries. They try to figure out what hurts worst, determine if limbs are broken, and try to find someone to help. Many request to be transported to the nearest medical facility, which is a good idea because often more serious issues may be masked by shock and pain.

At the emergency room the initial treatment traditionally involves pain killers, as well as muscle relaxers. Although this will take the edge off, the damage is left untreated in the hope that the body will be able to repair itself. However, there are times when the body needs help in order to prevent long-term damage.

Many people have never been to a chiropractor and may not be aware of what they are able to do to relieve pain. A chiropractor’s extensive education regarding the bone structure and its relation to the muscles and nerves of the body enables them to work on any specific area of pain to bring relief. Just as with any other doctor, they are licensed, knowledgeable, and are held to stringent guidelines in order to ensure only the best care is provided.

Chiropractors take great care to ensure all the information needed is available before a treatment plan is created. This includes taking a medical history and x-rays, as well as gathering information during a thorough examination. A treatment plan is then devised which often includes electromagnetic pulses and heat, along with what are called manipulations. This can be the scariest part of the treatment due to the sound heard, which is much like cracking knuckles. This is not necessarily scary in itself, but when it’s done to a person’s back or neck it can generate fears. It’s important to remember, however, that the noise is completely normal and shows that a body part that was out of alignment is now back in place.

After a collision, extreme care should be taken until a specialist can be consulted. One option is medical treatment programs such as an Irvine chiropractor massage who specialize in injuries to the body that ultimately affect its efficiency and an individual’s overall health. There is no reason to live with the pain that results from an accident when relief is only a phone call away.

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