Body Cleanse – Isn’t It About Time You Cleansed Yourself?

28th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Television and magazines have a lot to say lately about the benefits of doing a body cleanse to rid your system of toxins. There is, in fact, so much information on it that it can be hard to figure out how to move forward. Which one should you try? What should you expect? What do you need? How do you prepare? For every question there are a thousand different answers.

In reality, a body cleanse is simple. This is because your body cleanses itself naturally! It is a constant process within us. So forget the equipment and pills and hype. No need to do fasting. All you need to do is learn how to help your body be more efficient at what it is already doing.

First you must understand how your body gets and builds up toxins. They can come from either outside sources, such as chemicals in our air and environment (even simple things like lotion have chemicals), or they can build up as a result of inefficient processing. This occurs when toxins are being introduced into our bodies faster than they can be eliminated.

A build-up of toxins can be extremely dangerous to our health. They can result in everything from simple fatigue to heart disease. This is why health experts are so adamant about cleansing the body. If possible, you should make it a regular part of your life and not just something you do every once in awhile.

Essentially, all you need to do is keep the demands on your digestive organs to a minimum. You can do this by eating easy-to-digest foods that are high in water content (such as fruits and vegetables). Proteins such as dairy, meat, seafood, beans, nuts and eggs take more work for the body to digest, which means they create a more demand on your organs. More demand on your organs means they have less time to eliminate those toxins from your system. Fats also are difficult to digest. So you should stock up on your favorite fruits and veggies. You can eat as much as you like, just remember that overeating can slow down your ability to flush toxins.

The second thing you will need to do for your detox is drink a lot of water. This will ensure your organs are properly hydrated and working at their best capacity. Filtered tap water is fine – most filters sufficiently remove toxins from your water. If you do not like just plain water, you can try iced or hot tea. Just go for decaffeinated and do not add sugar or dairy.

For a really effective detox, you really should avoid caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine. These substances are stimulants and can stress your system. If you want to try to give them up for the duration of the cleanse, give yourself a week or so to taper off. Otherwise you will suffer from withdrawal symptoms that may make sticking to your cleanse more difficult. If you feel you cannot give these things up, it’s okay. Do not give up on your cleanse! You will still get a lot of benefits from the fruit, veggie and water program. One more thing; never stop taking prescribed medications without the express permission of your doctor.

It really is that simple. Be easy on your system and drink lots of water. If you plan to do a full body cleanse for more than a week or two, make sure you research how vegans get adequate protein. If you are pregnant or have serious health conditions, definitely consult with your physician first. You may suffer a little withdraw from your sugary, fatty favorite foods, and you may spend more time in the bathroom, but your body will definitely thank you for the body cleanse.

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