Great Considerations Regarding Exercise Trainer East Bay

28th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Most diets start off with a lot of restrictions. When a person starts the diet, they are already thinking of the reasons why it will be difficult to stay on and maintain even if they lose weight. One way to avoid diet failure is to take a few easy weight loss tips from a personal trainer East Bay.

Most people eat three meals a day, along with in-between snacks. This is one reason most adults are obese. Snacking and eating three full meals is a lot of food when a person doesn’t do the amount of exercise necessary to burn the calories that are being eaten.

The easy tip involves eating. A simple and easy change that won’t require a lot of effort is to start eating five meals a day. The difference in this type of eating is that this is five small meals instead of three big meals. It will be easy to make the two meals you are adding to your diet healthy foods because you aren’t use to eating five times a day. The new meals will be the beginning of your healthy choice change.

Most people have a set of dishes that include dinner plates, salad plates, dessert plates, and saucers. If you are currently eating your main meals off of dinner plates, switch to a salad plate. When a diet guru tells a person to reduce the amount of food they eat, it can be hard to do so. This is because when the food is reduced, there is a whole lot of space on the dinner plate that has always had food in it.

If you eat off a dinner plate, switch to a salad plate for meals. Your brain is in the habit of thinking that a eating a full plate of food equals being satisfied. The brain does not distinguish the size of the plate that the food is on, just that the plate is full. If you switch to a salad plate and eat a full plate, you will feel the same fullness as if you had eaten more food off of a dinner plate. It’s very easy and it works, you will be reducing the amount of food you are eating, but your brain won’t know it.

Eat healthy foods that appeal to you. Some people think that dieting means eating a lot of foods they don’t like. Think of your new change as an adventure. Finding the healthy food alternatives you like will make eating healthy much more enjoyable. By building your diet around healthy foods you like, you will be able to create a sustainable diet plan and lose weight more easily.

Eating healthy snacks in-between the five meals you are eating will keep you satisfied and your energy at the level it needs to be. As you begin eating healthier, your metabolism will increase and you will burn more calories. You may even find that you eat some of the five meals a day when you are not hungry. This is okay, it’s all right to skip snacks, but don’t skip your meals.

When you first begin eating five meals a day, you may need to set an alarm so you know when to eat. If you prepare meals ahead of time and have them ready to eat, it will be easier to stick with the program. Included in the easy weight loss tip from your fitness trainer East Bay is to be conscious of what you are eating when you snack. By paying attention to eating habits and listening to your sports personal trainer, you can make changes more easily.

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