Coping with a Great Deal of Hair Loss After Childbirth

24th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

You’ve just had a new baby, and you’re still trying to get over birth. Your baby is fussy and will not sleep at night, you still have a few pounds of baby fat to lose, your pre-pregnancy garments no longer fit, and the cost of supplies for your new tiny one are presenting a remarkable amount of financial drain. Nothing more could possibly go wrong, right? That’s when your hair starts falling out. Hair loss after pregnancy isn’t a new phenomenon by any means, but you can’t believe it’s going down to you. At the rate your hair is falling out, you expect to be bald inside a few days. Is this new baby truly worth everything you’re going through?

The key to this situation is not to panic. Things will get better, you will adapt to the new mode of operation in your home, and your hair will not keep falling out at this unnatural rate. The explanation it’s doing it now is because that while you were pregnant, a higher share of hair went into its resting phase. Some of the hairs on your head are always at rest and then eventually fall out to allow for new hair growth. While pregnant more hairs are resting without dropping out, so after you’ve delivered your baby, that’s when they will start to fall out. You will even experience some thin areas or perhaps balding spots, but don’t worry, because your hair will start to grow routinely again shortly.

Even though it’s during pregnancy that so much hair goes into the resting state, it isn’t going to start falling out till approximately three months after delivery. That is due to the fact that during pregnancy your hormone levels are so high that the hair just doesn’t fall out, even if it is resting. Once you’ve had the baby, and your hormone levels return to normal, all of this resting hair may fall out at one point. In fact, you can lose as much as 60% of your hair following a pregnancy. It’s smart to prepare yourself for the possibility so that when it happens you will not have a different reason to get upset.

Another thing to keep in mind is that while carrying a child the increased estrogen levels in your body keep more hair growing than would typically remain ready. This results in a thicker, fuller head of hair than you’ve ever had in your life. Sadly, this abundance of hair is what is going to fall out after your pregnancy ends and the estrogen decreases again. The best idea is to investigate taking Vitamins for hair growth and enjoy the lush, full hair while you have it and resign yourself to the fact that it will not always be there, because experiencing hair loss after pregnancy is ordinary and temporary.

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