Great Musclebuilding Foods to Include Your Diet

23rd June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

I am not someone who necessarily believes in making a top 10 muscle building foods list. But it is good to know what these foods are. You need to be eating quality sources when you’re trying to work on your body and your muscular composition. It’s more than what you eat. It’s the timing of what you eat as well. Food does in fact impact your ability to build muscle and add muscle. Some people want to make it all about protein. And protein is important, but you can’t build muscle without fats and carbs as well.

Check out your own kitchen pantry and fridge for these musclebuilding foods

First, there’s yogurt. This easily digestible dairy source is full of protein. It has the healthy cultures to promote proper amounts of certain necessary bacteria in your system to help digest all your daily intake. This is a must have in my opinion when it comes to muscle building foods. Pair some yogurt with some delicious fruit and this will stave off cravings for sweets. I enjoy yogurt and fruit to start my day every morning. Need something sweet? Try yogurt instead of that fattening ice cream.

Eggs: You simply cannot beat eggs for protein. They have more digestible protein than any other natural protein source. A muscle building foods list couldn’t be complete without eggs. Get tired of cooking up protein meals? Omelets are a quick and simple way to infuse more protein into your diet. Four to six eggs will do. Throw in some sweet or hot peppers, onions, or even some broccoli is good. It’s rather amazing that, for the amount of protein you get, the fat content is right about where it should be. The fat slows the absorption of other food you eat, so you don’t get those blood sugar spikes.

Chicken is the another of the great muscle building foods. Lean beef steak or other meats can be substituted occasionally, but chicken breast wins in this section. The reason chicken breasts are such a handy food to have on hand is that you can make a huge variety of dishes with chicken breasts. Chicken fajitas as just about as good as it gets. This mexican dish is almost a perfect muscle building meal.

Rice, Potatoes, and Yams: Carbohydrates sure have taken a beating in recent years. What people forget is that carbs such as these have a protein sparring effect. Rather than chewing up your protein sources, which you need for building muscle, your body will eat up the carbs you take in. This means you’re spending WAY more money on protein just for daily energy, when that’s the carb’s job! If you tend to be slender and have a hard time gaining weight, then you especially need to consume carbs. I always recommend that guys who fit this description to increase their carb intake dramatically when they are trying to gain muscle.

Eat Simple Carbs and Fat Free Meals Right After Training

Basically, post-workout is the time for carbs that break down quickly. Remember, do NOT eat or drink fatty foods following your workout. Fat hinders your body’s ability to soak up nutrients right after you train. Post-training meals are crucial for your success at muscle building.

The rest of the day, consume fat in your diet

Consume moderate amounts of fat throughout the day, NOT following your workout. With the swift breakdown of nutrients from nonfat foods, however, there is one downfall to be mindful of. Your system can take in more nutrient than can be processed. What happens is you get a strong blood sugar spike and then a crash. But if you throw in a bit of fat with your meal, your body will stay steady. You will also get more out of the food you eat since it will absorb at a slow and steady rate.

Summary: Musclebuilding Foods are more complex and detailed than we’ve covered here, but this is an overview to help you make good decisions.

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