What’s the right weight for me?

16th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Ever asked yourself “How much should I weigh”? You might be asking yourself why a person your age is noticeably lighter. Hence, you’re starting to wonder whose weight is within the right range. Relax, it’s not yet time to panic. It’s not just your age that’s used as a basis for weight. In fact, it actually depends on a number of factors such as your height, lean muscle mass, body fat mass and even body frame. So ultimately, two persons who have the same age and height need not be of the same weight for them to have normal weight. Still, if you want a specific number, then try checking out the body mass index.

Body Mass Index?

Body mass index or BMI is the calculation of body fat percentage applicable for both male and female. The calculation is based on a person’s height and weight. You can have your body mass index checked online through various websites. You can easily get the result in seconds but just filling in the necessary blanks.

Those with 18.5 or lower BMI are usually underweight. In between 18.5 and 29.9 the amount can be viewed as average with anything higher than that seen as overweight.

Different Methods

The National Institute of Health also have other methods. You’ll find that this method does not take various factors into consideration and thus can be quite off in the results. Basically, for a five feet male, the ideal weight is 106 pounds with an additional 6 pounds for every inch added. When it comes to girls, 100 pounds for the first five feet and 5 more for each inch added.

So what’s next?

So, what would happen after answering the important question of “what is the right weight for me?”? That would depend on the results. If you weight more than average, then perhaps its time to learn more ways to burn calories off your body. If you’re on the normal range, then your goal would be to get a leaner body shape. Whatever the result, you’ll be looking for new how to burn fat naturally.

There are various ways you can do this. So far, physical activity would be the best choice for you. Exercises partnered with a good diet are sure to take effect when done over a long period of time. Of course, there are also diet pills and complex food plans to choose from. You’ll notice that the market is teeming with various weight loss pills that promise to be effective. However, be very carefully if you are thinking about choosing this strategy. Not only can it damage your bank account but the risk to your health is quite possible. Of course, some food types also speed up calorie burning so you might also want to include them in your diet.

Keep in mind that your health is important and thus you must always ensure that your weight is within the normal range. Be fit but also be healthy.

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