Canine Acupuncture Chart

13th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

You have probably heard of acupuncture therapy as an effective form of relieving pain. But did you know this form of therapy not only works on humans but could also be used on your pet dogs? Canine acupuncture is a common form of therapy used by many pet owners to help their dogs.

Acupuncture has been around for over thousands of years and is known to have originated in China. This form of therapy is carried out by entering thin needles into certain acupuncture points in the body along pathways called meridians , to provide relief for various troubles. This is based on the theory that in order to heal, the energy in the body needs to be well-balanced.

If you are considering canine acupuncture for your dog, you would want to visit a canine acupuncturist, who would commence canine acupuncture treatment after asking you several important questions relating to your dog, and will also check to see whether the animal shows any external signs of illness. It is essential that you go to a canine acupuncturist who is licensed, so as to ensure safe treatment. It is best that you first take your dog to its regular doctor who will refer you to an acupuncturist. Several websites online also have lists of veterinarian acupuncturists.

As most patients find acupuncture therapy very relaxing, it is likely that you would find your dog fast asleep while undergoing canine acupuncture. Canine acupuncture is said to be quite painless. Pet owners therefore need not worry about their dogs suffering while canine acupuncture is being done.

Canine acupuncture could treat other disorders such as arthritis, various allergies and problems with regard to fertility, to name a few. Canine acupuncture treatment is quite short. It generally takes around 10 to 15 minutes, provided the animal does not struggle too much, but it could go on for even half an hour. The number of times that you would need to implement canine acupuncture would depend on your dogs ailment and its history of various ailments and condition in general. Usually it would take around 5 sessions to cure the dog of its disorders. Not only does canine acupuncture chart cure physical disorders, but is also known to help improve psychological and emotional disorders. What better way to keep your dog healthy!

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