Know About Your Gut

12th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The health of the gut is the most important factor that is responsible for the overall health and wellbeing of an individual. The gut is responsible for up to eighty percent of the well being of the immune system. It also protects the individuals from pathogens which include harmful parasites, bacteria, viruses, yeast and fungi.

The symptoms of leaky gut of the individual are responsible for producing a chemical in the individual’s body which is an anti-depressant. It is also responsible for proper digestion and absorption of the nutrients that are needed to supply the entire body with required building blocks for energy, growth and repair. Where as a poor gut is responsible for over ninety percent of the chronic health issues in an individual.

Scientists have proved that good gut health of the individual influences overall happiness through the direct gut and brain connection. The health influences the thoughts and the thoughts influence the emotions and the emotions influence your actions, and so the overall health of the gut is very important and it has direct influence on the actions that is taken by the individual in his/ her day today life.

Leaky gut syndrome is an insidious condition. This syndrome is mostly ignored or overlooked by both individual’s and doctors at times until it leads to chronic illness. Since the syndrome affects the immune system the individual are forced to live on medication until the end of their lives, since the process of controlling or minimizing the impact created by the disease cannot be reversed.

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