Looking For A Ab Workout That Really Gives You Results

9th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Use the abs workouts listed below to tone the midsection. Achieve what you have wanted for so long.

To begin, open a war on those concealed stomach muscle groups. Crunches only target surface muscles. That is why crunches are ineffective. To lose a single pound of fat, 250,000 would need to be done. That means 100 of these a day for seven years.

Focus on the muscle groups that lie beneath the surface muscles. Working these muscles will pull the stomach in, similar to how a corset works. Many individuals are not aware of these muscles so they do not know how to tone them.

Fundamental exercises for toning this area are: planks and planks with variation such as the side plank, lunges with rotation, glute bridge march, arm lift with planks, side planks with rotation, single arm press with reverse lunges, and hip thigh raises.

If you want to feel these muscles, lay flat on your back with the palm of your hands a little lower than your belly button. Inhale deeply. Pull the navel to the spine and push the abdomen down to the floor. Hold for five seconds and repeat eight to ten times.

To lose the stomach, activity level is important. Whether you realize it or not, the stomach and rear end are cohorts. The muscles in your bottom are relatively useless if your activity level is low. The level can also cause muscles to become less flexible such as your hip flexors. Eventually a shifting of the pelvis will occur creating an arch in the back. This in turn puts pressure on the spine and causes the stomach to stick out even more. Becoming more physically active will definitely benefit you and your body.

For loosening the hip flexors, a lunge position needs to be assumed. Lower the back knee to the floor and do not let your back bend. Move your hips forward until a stretch is felt. Keep this position for about ten seconds. Change legs and repeat the process. Using a hip thigh raise and glute bridge march will help with strengthening your bottom muscles.

Change your eating habits to cut out bad food and eat nutritious food like meat, nuts, fish and diary. A significant decrease in stomach size will be noticed.

Unbelievably, twenty teaspoons of sugar are eaten on average daily by people. Food like baked goods, fruit, soda, cereal and yogurt is where the sugar comes from. Decrease how much of these foods are eaten to help increase metabolism and decrease insulin at the same time.

Do not be afraid of fat. It has been proven that diets with 50 percent fat are just as good for weight loss as low fat diets. Research shows that diets containing more than 50 percent fat are just as effective for weight loss as those that are low in fat. Because fat adds flavor and is filling, it is easier to stay with the diet. Eat foods high in monounsaturated fats, like olives, avocados and nuts. Foods high in saturated fats are okay in small amounts.

Sodium can cause bloating. Avoid known bloating items like broccoli, beans and soda so you do not become bloated.

Give your abs time to heal from the lower ab workout. For the desire results With the abs workout, only work them three times per week. It takes a complete day for muscles to recover so, take time off.

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