So Now the Time has Come to Handle World Water Problems

8th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It’s difficult for those of us that have always had all the water we need to comprehend what it’s like for people residing in countries that lack water as well as the technology and equipment to make fresh, uncontaminated water for citizens. As a result, citizens are having to drink whatever water they are able to find in rivers, lakes, or streams, and major diseases run rampant. Imagine a whole town bathing in and drinking from the same water. Without water, we die, so these people are prepared to drink any water they’re able to to keep their bodies hydrated. They really have no choice except a poor one. Poor water conditions have become an issue shared by people worldwide.

The fact is that 1.1 billion people on this earth live without having access to safe water to drink. That means 1 out of every 6 people worldwide. Furthermore, 2.6 billion people lack basic sanitation. Because of these problems, an estimated 3,900 children die daily of water borne diseases because they are lacking an emergency water treatment that uses the diatomaceous earth filtration technology. In addition, in certain parts of the world, about 99% of available water reserves are utilized in agriculture in the endeavor to grow enough food for those people in the area.

A critical deficiency of water isn’t reserved just for third world countries, either. Parts of every continent, except Antarctica, are facing water shortages. Even parts of America, a country where we believe we have plenty of all of the resources we need, have a lot less than adequate water supplies. As the population grows, the situation increases. In lots of places around the globe, two or more countries share water sources that causes tension between the nations. These problems are escalating and will undoubtedly result in future conflict.

Did you ever consider how much only one resource, water, could be responsible for a multitude of problems on earth? When you turned on the tap this morning to take your shower or to put some water into your coffeemaker did you realize that there are people on the planet dying as a result of its lack? The majority of us aren’t likely to become aware of this growing crisis until it hits closer to home. Areas of the U.S. that have undergone periods of limited water use know somewhat about what it will likely be like. It’s critical that every one amongst us do our part by curtailing the waste of water however we can. Only by limiting our careless use now will we have the ability to ensure clean drinking water for future generations.

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