The Most Rapid Growing Medical Field And Why Women Of All Ages Are Choosing To Have Plastic Surgery

7th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Twenty years ago, plastic surgery was not something that a lot of people elected to do but rather was something was done out of necessity from a birth defect or a problem that resulted from an accident for example. In fact, most people that chose to have plastic surgery for vanity purposes kept it quite secretive and were a bit embarrassed to disclose that they had any work done at all. Today, it is an entirely different story with plastic surgery becoming more and more regularly done, reducing the stigma that it used to have. One common procedure now is the Mommy makeover that ladies have after having babies to fix the changes that happened to them during pregnancy and breast feeding that involves a breast augmentation Baltimore and a Baltimore Tummy Tuck.

A lot of people wish to retain their younger appearance and the procedures and other options that are offered now produce a more natural look making it more popular than ever. It also appeals to the instant gratification people of today that wants something fixed immediately. The most popular plastic surgery procedures are the ones that are not permanent and do not require surgery such as Botox and injectables. People as young as their early 20’s are having Botox where their expression lines are to prevent their skin from wrinkling later on. Many women are comfortable in having these procedures to soften their wrinkles and make them feel younger and better without having to have a major operation.

The 2nd most popular surgery which is now being performed in America, is breast augmentation. Women that are unhappy with their smaller breast size now realize that they can have plastic surgery to fix that and give them the cup size they want. It is fascinating that breast enlargement surgery is more popular in certain parts of the nation than others. In California and other Western states, it is the highest whereas in the Midwest and even in Manhattan it is not as frequently done. This could be the religious and family values in the Midwest to love yourself as you are and the fashion centered city of Manhattan where wafer thin models with small breasts are considered beautiful. California women, however, favor the bleached blonde hair, tan skin and more ample breasts as the beauty standard.

People are more comfortable now with the idea of having plastic surgery because of the frequency it is done now and that the liklihood of getting an experienced surgeon is higher. Also, physicians that work in plastic surgery are also trying to produce a more natural look and not faces that are stretched back or breasts that are unnaturally big for a woman’s frame.

One controversy that continues today is whether or not teenagers should be allowed to have plastic surgery with their parents permission. Many pediatricians feel that many teenagers are not done growing or maturing and that things such as breast augmentation may be done too early on a teenage female. Some parents are even giving their kids plastic surgery for their high school graduation gift.

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