Proper Hygiene For Good Dental Health

3rd June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Teeth are very strong and will be there forever if you consistently perform proper dental hygiene.Dentists recommend the proper brushing and flossing of teeth at least once daily and routine cleanings in the office twice a year.Accurate execution of these cleaning protocols wards off cavities and gum disease. Avoiding gum disease and cavities reduces the likelihood that you will eventually lose a tooth.

Plaque is a white film that forms on teeth. It is sticky and contains bacteria that causes cavities in teeth. Cavities, also known as tooth decay, can lead to toothaches and cause teeth to crack or break. Natural organisms native to the mouth coincide with mucus and bits of food, creating plaque.It’s no wonder our dentist warns us about too much sugar and starch in our foods, as the plaque they encourage produce acids that dissolve the hard enamel coating on our teeth.To get a better understanding of sydney dentists, visit their website.

Enamel can actually break down after too much exposure to plaque, and allow cavities to form.Gum disease is another consequence of plaque buildup. Brushing and flossing daily can help remove most of the plaque, but any plaque that is left behind will eventually turn into a hardened form called tartar.You gums may bleed or become swollen when you brush. This means you have gingivitis, the first stage in a very bad disease of the gums.

In the more serious stage of periodontitis, infected pockets form and the gums actually recede from the teeth. Periodontitis, left untreated, causes destruction of supportive tissue, the gums and the jawbone. This may result teeth becoming loose and falling out.

The only way to contain and prevent plaque and the ensuing damage it causes is by practicing proper dental hygiene at home and maintaining regular appointments for cleanings at your dentist’s office.The correct method for brushing your teeth is to keep your brush at a small angle, press against teeth and apply a side to side action.Take care to clean all of the teeth surfaces, taking approximately two minutes, then use the brush carefully on your tongue.This helps remove bacteria and freshens your breath. In a perfect world, you would brush after every meal, however brushing two times a day will usually suffice.Here is further info on dentist glebe sydney.

Experts agree that your toothbrush should have soft bristles.If you start to see wear and frayed bristles on your tooth brush, replace it.A lot of people make the mistake of using electric toothbrushes and think that does the trick.However the only way to effectively remove all the plaque at the gum line and between teeth is to brush regularly and also to floss daily or use an interdental brush or other device designed to reach small spaces.

To floss most efficiently, dental care experts recommend the following:First, gently work a lengthy piece of floss down between two of your teeth.Rub the floss up and down along both teeth and along the curve at the base of each tooth.Than use a clean section of floss as you progress from tooth to tooth, and be sure to floss behind the last tooth.

Floss that is waxy will be easier to use.If you have trouble manipulating floss, try using a floss holder, or ask your dentist or hygienist for instructions. Soreness in the gums or slight bleeding of the gums may occur for the first few days you use dental floss. This is normal as your gums adjust. If the condition persists, consult your dentist. Consuming sugary drinks or sweet, sugary snacks in lieu of healthy meals and snacks creates a breeding ground for tooth decay. This lengthens the time your teeth are exposed to the acids in foods. But there are foods out there which can assist decay prevention.If you consume aged cheese right after you consume your normal meals, you will help ward off the harmful acid.

Apples, pears and other crunchy fruits water down sugars in food. These fruits are high in water and this provokes saliva. Saliva rinses away food pieces.Sugarless gum will also make you produce more saliva, washing the bacteria away.Increasing your calicum intake through your diet or by swallowing supplements helps protect your teeth. Eat more yogurt and green, leafy vegetables, which are high in calcium, or drink more milk.Fluoride is also instrumental in battling cavities.

If you know the water in your area isn’t fluoridated, you might talk to your dentist about applying a fluoride solution to your teeth or whether you should use a fluoride rinse.If you have healthy teeth, you should still go to see your dentist at least twice a year.Aside from those routine visits, contact your dentist if you experience bleeding gums, mouth pain or if you notice alterations in your bite. Through use of proper dental hygiene along with twice a year check ups, your health can last you a lifetime.

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Posted on: June 3, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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