Is it a Good Thought to Go Get a Tan while You’re Pregnant?

24th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Your back hurts, your feet are swelling, you can’t lay in bed comfortably any longer, and none of your garments fit any more. You can even be having queasiness each morning, and you feel bloated and like you look awful. Yes, you’re pregnant, and you’d like nothing better than to go out and lay in the sun soaking up some rays and maybe getting a little tanning to help counterbalance the pregnancy blahs. No one’s going to tell you that you can’t go outside while you’re pregnant, but there are some precautions you need to take as far as tanning while pregnant is concerned.

You doubtlessly already know to protect yourself and your skin from excessive sun, but did you also know that you need to think about your developing child and the results of the sun on him or her? Anything you do that raises your body temperature, like sitting in the sun, may cause overheating for the baby, too, and overheating has been linked to spinal malformations in infants. A dearth of folic acid has been associated with UV rays, too, and not having enough folic acid in your body could cause spina bifida in your kid. Since there isn’t any way you wish to risk harming your baby, it should be easy to convince yourself that hours in the sun or in a tanning bed aren’t the best idea when you’re pregnant.

Your own skin is more susceptible to the harmful rays of the sun when pregnant, too. For instance, you can suffer from hives, heat rash, or chloasma, a condition in which pregnant ladies can get dark splotches on their face skin. If you’re going to be out in the sun, wear a hat, utilise a sunscreen with at least SPF thirty, and drink plenty of water. Never stay in the sun long enough to burn, and if you begin to feel tired, sickened, or dizzy, go somewhere where there’s air-con to chill off.

We all hear heaps nowadays about the damaging effects that the sun’s rays and tanning beds can have on our skin, and you need to be even more cautious about thinking of ways to save money on tanning such as buying used tanning beds, and instead think of ways to protect your skin and look into other options such as sunless tanning lotions or spray tan.

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