Preserve Dental Health- Don’t Grind Teeth

24th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

A lot of people eventually get to grind teeth at some time or another. This is why many think that there is nothing wrong with this. This is true as long as it is only done on occasion. If gnashing however becomes a regular occurrence, then there might be a real issue in the making that needs to be brought to the attention of a Melbourne dental expert. This is especially if it is done at night.

An individual who frequently grinds is usually unaware of it. This is even if the act is done in broad daylight. Of course, those who gnash are completely unaware when they do it late at night because they are sleeping. This can lead to several problems. Grinding can obviously lead to slow teeth damage such as wearing and breaking. In some cases the grinding of teeth may push gums to recede. Also, the condition could be accompanied by pain in the head, facial pain, ear problems and TMJ issues.

Clearly, no one should take the condition lightly. If you don’t act on the problem, you could end up suffering from intense pain and discomfort that could progress to serious complications that require more intensive solutions. It definitely isn’t a pleasant idea to have to experience complex dental processes. Also, the sound of teeth grinding can become a major issue not just for you but for anyone else who shares a bed or room with you.

A big issue with grinding teeth at night is the difficulty of determining if you do have the problem. If you have a sleeping partner, he might be able to tell you about it. If however, you don’t sleep with someone in the same room, you’d have no other choice but to pay close attention to the symptoms yourself. Always remember though that some symptoms can be confused with the symptoms of completely unrelated conditions.

The only sure way of detecting the problem accurately is through regular dental checks. If you’ve had the condition for quite some time, wearing and damage should lead a dentist to suspect your problem. These however may not be enough to absolutely indicate that you grind teeth. You might be able to support dental findings by revealing your other accompanying symptoms such as pain in the different sections of your oral cavity and face.

There is more than one possible cause for the condition. You should pinpoint the exact cause of yours so that appropriate treatment can be identified. A common culprit is emotional pressure. For this, a specialist may recommend additional help from a behavioral therapist to address psychological issues.

There is also a possibility that teeth grinding can really be just a bad habit. Like all bad habits though, this one dies hard. Again, behavioral remedy approaches may be tried. Some however may opt for more affordable solutions such as using teeth grinding guards.

You may not be able to completely stop grinding teeth at night with a guard. You can however prevent pain and damage. Guards can be purchased over the counter but it is more advantageous to use custom molded guards done by a dentist Melbourne expert for a perfect and comfortable fit.

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