A More Attractive Waistline With Ballroom Dancing

20th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It’s not surprising that some find it hard to start a new physical fitness routine. Looking for an activity that combines enjoyment and physical fitness is sometimes difficult for those unaccustomed to working out. You don’t have to join a gym; why not try out ballroom dancing? Ballroom dancing is incredibly physical, especially styles like samba and swing. It’s also the sort of thing that you can start of slowly, and ease into as you learn. It’s an inviting option for those who are seeking fun, socialization, as well as weight loss. Clubs these days are priced affordably, and are about as affordable as an average gym membership.

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Ballroom dancing is incredibly popular these days, perhaps because of the many shows featuring ballroom dancers on television. People excitedly watch celebrity amateurs learn moves like the pros, and they are inspired to run out and learn for themselves.

Don’t ever think you’re “too old” to try. Ballroom dancing is actually an activity that is attracting more and more retirees seeking an outlet for physical fitness. Not only does learning the dance moves exercise your body, it also trains memory as you remember the steps while you dance to the music. This is fantastic for retirees, since scientific evidence shows that working out the mind and the body is vital for continuing health into older age.

Depending on the step you dance, you can burn between 250 and 400 calories per hour dancing. Choose a salsa, samba or a cha cha to maximize calorie burning. Balance and coordination are improved through ballroom dancing, something that you just can’t get on a treadmill or stair climbing machine!

Ballroom dancing also is a great social activity. Group classes encourage you to dance with many different people, and you could end up making a whole new group of friends.

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