HGH Can Be Very Helpful For Your Condition

17th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Somatotropin is the natural human growth hormone (HGH) produced by the pituitary gland. This hormone affects many organs in the body as well as bones and growth. The hormone is a protein-based polypeptide that also affects cell reproduction and regeneration.

The use of manufactured human growth hormone has been the topic of research, study, and use for over fifty years. Research studies have shown that the use of human growth hormones (HGH) has some significant results when treatments are properly administered.

The most common use for HGH is in treating children and childhood diseases. Children who do not produce enough Somatotropin often are of short stature and many have other conditions associated with low immunity, etc. Injecting HGH through a planned treatment program brings the hormone levels up to a level where a child’s growth will resume. HGH treatments are used for children around the world.

Athletes have also used HGH for several years. The benefits of HGH upon injection last for the period of the athletic contest that the person is participating in. It was not until the 2000 Olympics that testing was advanced to the point where synthetic HGH could be identified through testing. Since that time, the drug has been included on the drugs that are banned for athletes in the Olympics.

A 1990 study done by researches at the Department of Medicine in Wisconsin found that there were many benefits for HGH treatments in older people. This study also increased the interest of researchers in the hormone. More studies were conducted to ascertain the benefits of HGH to a general population.

Many studies have been conducted since that time to further study the benefits and affects on older people. Some researchers conclude that the regenerative properties in the hormone also help people with cellular degeneration. Improved memory is also a benefit that has been noted.

A 1990 study conducted by the Department of Medicine in Wisconsin was conducted on a group of older men and has provided the impetus for many of the studies of HGH. The individuals participating in the study did not change their lifestyle. Some of the men were overweight, some used tobacco products, and most did not exercise properly. After using HGH for a short time most of the men shows a marked improvement in muscle mass even though they had not changed their exercise and diet.

It has been shown that HGH injections can be affective for many conditions associated with aging. Weight management, cone density, muscle mass, and improving the immune system are just a few of the benefits of the treatments. An individual may see their skin tone and texture become healthier and younger looking and they will have increased energy.

HGH has several clinically approved uses. These include treatment of AIDS wasting. This is a wasting away of the muscles that occurs in AIDS patients. Treatments are also used to regenerate cells and skin for victims of burns. The hormone is effective in treating fibromyalgia and many other disorders. While it is not used for normal weight loss, HGH is prescribed in some cases of extreme obesity.

When considering the use of HGH Growth Hormone as a treatment, it is important to talk to a professional who has knowledge and expertise about HGH treatment and possible side effects. The studies that were conducted showed that the hormone is not appropriate for the treatment of some types of disorders. By talking to a professional an individual will be able to get the knowledge they need about the human growth hormone replacement treatment to decide if it will be beneficial for their use.

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