Daughter Of Alcoholic Recovers From Her Opiate Addiction

14th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

I hope that sharing my experience here will help someone out there find the strength to get help. I spent some time at Pür Detox, a high-class detox center in California. But let’s back up so I can share with you a little bit about how I ended up in a luxurious rehab center by the sea to become the person I never knew that I could be. Detox For Executives

My dad was an untreated alcoholic and my mom was apathetic about dad’s dependency on alcohol and I am their only child. My childhood days were nothing close to memorable happiness because dad was always drunk and mom and I often leave the house to avoid dad’s rages.

Then Dad’s doctors prescribed Antibuse, which he refused to take on his own. Mom forced him to take the pills each day, but finally she grew tired of this life. Then she met another man when I was a teenager and we left my dad.

It was a bit late for me as well. I was used to getting drunk at age 15.

I was a good daughter and a straight A student but these didn’t matter, I was heartbroken. I longed to receive affection from my parents. Life at home was a living hell with dad’s drinking taking centerstage.

Being a good kid didn’t merit any attention from my parents. In afterthought, I know where I slipped. I decided that any attention – even negative attention – was better than nothing. So I began doing things which would definitely catch my parents attention. I skipped classes, lied to my mom and my teachers and didn’t do my homework. I was hooked into shoplifting and I constantly drank with kids whom I believed were my friends.

After several months, my mom’s attitude toward me changed. Suddenly she seemed to be on a mission to save me. It worked but didn’t last long enough. I was able to finish high school and became a successful travel agent. The work was fascinating, I was making good money, and I enjoyed being around my clients, many of whom were executives. It was the kind of life I dreamed of. I wanted to enjoy the finer things in life, probably because my own life had been all about barely scraping by for so long.

Things began to lose control in about five years into my career. I was engaged but did not heed the red flags. He was a lot like my father. My mom tried to talk me out of it but I didn’t listen to her. The next thing I knew, I was sipping champagne at the company Christmas party, and then my life started to fall apart once again. I had so much to lose this time.

My mom and my stepdad took the initiative to bring me to Pur Detox in Laguna Beach. At first, I didn’t like the idea of going to the rehab. Not that I’m a snob, but I imagined it as being incarcerated in a dark, dingy place with people who were fresh off the streets. My fears were way off from reality.

All I want in my life was to be loved and be accepted for what I am. Love must begin within myself. To love myself meant committing to the medically supervised program at Pur Detox and that decision was the greatest gift I gave myself. As an added benefit, I have learned to love and accept others unconditionally, as well. Opiate Addiction

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