Is It Safe To Follow A Body Cleansing Detoxification?

10th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The body cleanse is a form of alternative medicine that usually involves a detoxification diet. It has seen a surge of popularity in recent years. This has resulted in a plethora of diets and programs being developed, with varying ratios of positive and negative reviews. It can easily become confusing to try and figure out what diets are safe and effective when seeking to improve their health and lose weight. It takes careful research and close consultation with a doctor or health care adviser, but with the right information you can find a full body cleanse that is right for you.

What is detoxification?

It has been suggested that the modern rise in pollutants that constantly bombard human bodies have caused them to be unable to keep up with the elimination of toxic chemicals. Detoxification is the process of aiding the body’s natural waste management, by cutting down on dietary sources of harmful substances and providing the nutrients it requires to operate these inbuilt waste elimination facilities.

Potential benefits

Many claims have been made as to the benefits to be achieved by cleansing your body through dieting. It is said to improve immune function, which in turn helps to prevent disease and infection. The increase in beneficial nutrients being delivered to the body may result in elevated energy levels. Weight loss can be achieved through balanced diet plans provided by detoxification diets, and maintained through ongoing healthy lifestyle choices. Many who undergo detoxification report that experiences of clearer skin and improved mood.

Handling risks

The popularity of this concept has meant that there are a huge range of products, plans and programs now available on the market. All have the stated aim of cleansing the body, but not every product is equal. It is up to you to be aware of which products will help and which might actually harm your body. A medical professional should be consulted before beginning any new diet, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions. You will find that the diets that are most recommended are those that promote healthy eating and a balanced, nutritional diet.

How the diet works

As mentioned earlier, the diet works in two ways to control elimination of harmful waste products. The first is to limit the amount of unhealthy substances entering into your body. This will help to give your body a rest and divert its energy to the removal of other waste products and toxic chemicals.

The other way to speed up detoxification is to increase the consumption of healthy foods. A good diet plan will incorporate a balanced combination of vitamins, minerals and nutrients as well as antioxidants, which will work together to improve overall bodily functioning. One of the most common systems used by the body to excrete waste materials is, of course, through bowel movements and urination. Diets should make use of high fiber foods and a good intake of water to aid these natural processes.

Anyone who is considering using a body cleanse for health reasons should talk to their doctor first, and discuss all the options available. Always remember that not all full body cleanse plans and cleanses are equal. Some plans are neither beneficial nor medically sound. Therefore it is advisable that you research all the different methods thoroughly, and choose a complete body cleanse that incorporates sound nutritional principles, instead of offering quick-fix gimmicks.

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