Body Cleanse – Feel Younger,Lighter, And Healthier In No Time

8th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There are many benefits to a full body cleanse. A full body cleanse basically helps remove the harmful toxins and pollutants. Some of these benefits include weight loss, increased energy, strong immune system, and even a better state of mind. The body is bombarded with chemicals and pollutants on a daily basis from the foods we eat, the air we breathe, and the fluids we drink. Stress and strong emotions, such as anger or hatred, can also generate toxins, which can be just as harmful. The purpose for the full body cleanse is to remove these harmful agents.

The target of most cleansing programs is the colon or intestine. Here the process is directed at removing the accumulated waste, which effectively also reduces the size of the stomach and one’s waistline. This fecal matter that accumulates over time can affect the body in different ways. Often times, regular bowel movements are not sufficient enough to completely remove this excrement. As a solution, there are various natural remedies along with cleansing programs and products.

Aside from the colon, there are also kidney and liver cleanses. The kidney and liver are important in that their primary role is to detoxify and remove waste. Cleansing these systems can make them function more effectively and promote a greater sense of well-being. Furthermore, proper functioning organs reduce the chances of other diseases and ailments, such as chronic fatigue, skin issues, premature aging, diabetes, heart disease, and kidney or liver damage.

When beginning a cleansing process, whether it be natural or part of a program, there is likely to be a period of adjustment. For instance, when the body begins the purification process it can cause certain side effects such as headaches, nauseous, tiredness, or a general unease. However, some don’t feel anything at all. Our bodies are self-cleansing, however, it can’t hurt to help the process along. A cleanse can be akin to a car tune up. The car will still run, but not efficiently. Our body is our most prized possession.

There are many cleansing solutions available in the market. However, there are also many natural and inexpensive ways to produce the same or more effective result without spending money on pre-packaged supplements. They are all easy to find with over a million websites on the topic. The easiest and simplest approach is to drink lots of water, exercise, maintain a high fiber diet, and use any type of natural diuretic, if necessary. This can include anything from prunes or prune juice, to psyllium husks. Whatever the case, the process should be adhered to for at least six to eight weeks.

During this regimen, there are certain foods and items that should be avoided. For instance, animal protein, dairy, caffeine, alcohol, fried foods, refined flour and sugar, and salt should be avoided if not dramatically limited. Also, over indulging even on the good foods should be avoided. A daily regimen should begin with a glass of hot water and a half squeezed lemon. This would help the bodies cleansing process at the beginning of the day. Also, one should avoid heavy meals before bedtime. It has been said that the way to approach eating is to eat like a king for breakfast, a prince at lunch, and a pauper for dinner.

Other sayings have implied that death begins in the color and that fat hides the toxins. There are many facts that support these statements and a good cleanse can help alleviate both issues. Furthermore, the positives of a cleanse are more broad than just its physical impact. A healthier body also creates a more supportive internal system, including the nervous system, respiratory, circulatory, digestive, and musculoskeletal systems. This helps the body deal with stress better and also crave the foods that are beneficial for its proper maintenance.

Additional advantages from a full body cleanse include heightened concentration, improved memory recall, weight loss, bone strength, flexible joints, and a youthful appearance. A healthy body and a sound mind can be achieved through the help of a good full body cleanse. Evidently, other methods would also include changing one’s lifestyle, diet, bad habits, and environment. Furthermore, a full body cleanse is a great tool to reboot or recharge one’s internal cleaning system for the benefit of one’s health.

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