Equine Acupuncture Courses

5th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Most of us know about acupuncture. However many people are perhaps ignorant of the fact that acupuncture is also practiced on animals. When this method is used to heal horses it’s referred to as equine acupuncture.

There appears to be various versions about the roots of this unique method. Some claim that it was found in China while others believe that equine acupuncture was found in Tibet. The thing that must be kept in mind is that this treatment was one that came about 3000 – 4000 years before ordered western medicine came into use.

Equine acupuncture gained global popularity during this time since the horse was a significant animal and was used for war and for transportation. However there are still those who look upon acupuncture in general through a critical eye considering it to be ineffective and somewhat primitive. This is indeed a misunderstanding. Good results gained through use of equine acupuncture on horses suffering from varying health problems and acupuncture being effective on people suffering from arthritis has lead to its widespread acceptance.

Some people might be astonished to know that equine acupuncture is extensively used in the case of performance horses and veterinary acupuncturists have accompanied several Olympic teams during games. In this case the motive is not just to treat any clinical conditions but also to ensure that the horse in question is in the best possible level physically before the games. The fact that it’s not necessary to use drugs in equine acupuncture is a huge advantage since horses that are given drugs face the risk of being disqualified from competitions.

What most might people wonder is whether acupuncture in general is painful This is not so in most cases. People might get a numb or a ‘warm’ kind of feeling at most Even in the case of horses in equine acupuncture since the needles used are very thin, being only about 0.18 – 0.25 millimeters in width it’s unlikely that there is going to be any pain.

Ensuring the capability of your veterinarian is important if you want to get equine acupuncture done on a horse that you own. Certification on this regard is given by 2 bodies and you might be succeed in finding online the veterinarian working closest to your house who is qualified at equine acupuncture.

It must be kept in mind however that equine acupuncturist is a treatment that tends to be somewhat expensive. Though this unique treatment is unconventional it is effective.

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