Herb To Stop Smoking

3rd May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

For a smoker, the hardest thing to do is to quit the habit. From chronic smokers to relatively recent ones, the symptoms of smoking cessation prove to be too hard to overcome. Several methods exist to aid the smokers to quit smoking in a relatively easy way and out of these methods, the most natural and healthy method seems to be the usage of a herb to stop smoking.

Nicotine is the component that is included in cigarettes that makes it so addictive. So although the cigarette may not be able to overcome the nicotine addiction will play up at some point. That is why nicotine replacement therapies and other such techniques such as nicotine gums, sprays and patches have been introduced to the market in order to help smokers to quit smoking. Although these may be effective, the utilization of these campaigns the nicotine dependance in the body.

Thus a good alternative would be a herb to stop smoking such as Lobelia ,commonly called Indian tobacco. A chemical substance called lobeline, which mimics the effects of nicotine while being non-addictive, is present in this herb. Therefore, this chemical can trick the body into thinking that there is nicotine in the system and in turn reducing the cravings. The utilization of this plant as an herbaceous plant to stop smoking is done in several ways, as this herb is available through galore of products such as cigarettes, gum and tea. Furthermore, these cigarettes do not contain any nicotine, tar or other harmful substances found in regular cigarettes. However, this herb is very strong and should be used with care as an overdose would result in conditions such as vomiting, weak pulse and drowsiness

Certain plants do not directly act as a herbs to stop smoking, but rather helps the exploiter to overcome the symptoms of smoking surcease. For instance, Memosa could replace anti-depressants as this herb contains properties that could help anxiety, nervousness and headaches. In addition, several plants such as Coltsfoot , Mullein and Horehound function as expectorants by inducing cough to clear the lungs out. These herbs also repair the damage inside the lungs caused by years of smoking. Moreover, rather than acting as a herb to stop smoking, Turmeric is known to remove the cancer causing agents from the lungs. Garlic is also claimed to counter the effects of nicotine addiction and calm the blood vessels by reversing the effects caused by smoking on blood pressure.

However, remember that a physician’s approval is always needed for a herb to stop smoking to be used. You indeed need to follow upon the correct dosage of drugs in order to get over the habit.

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