Acai is the Most Potent Antioxidant Dietery Supplement Available

1st May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Antioxidants are becoming the most talked about health and fitness trend in years. While we have always known that vitamins, vegetables, and fruits were good for us, many people do not realize how helpful antioxidants are to our bodies. This article is going to discuss what an antioxidant is and then how you can most effectively get more in your diet.

Free radicals float around your body and cause damage to your cells. There isn’t any reason to go into details here, but if you need to know more, go to Wikipedia and you can get more information. Ok, so we have established that there are things refered to as free radicals in your body and they are not good for you. Now, let’s look at how we can fix that.

The key to neutralizing these free radicals is antioxidants. To over-simplify how it works, let’s say that one antioxidant kills one free radical. We are going to have some amount of free radicals in our body so we have to make sure we get more antioxidants into our body so we can keep getting rid of the free radicals and stop the damage they cause to our cells.

The important thing to discuss is what you can expect as far as results if you start taking antioxidant supplements. Well, it is different for each person, but most people feel more energy and even lose body fat. The theory is: as the free radicals stop damaging cells, your body stays healthier and does not age as fast. Yep, many people say that antioxidants can actually slow the aging process. Sounds pretty good to me.

Now I suppose you want to know where you can get more of these antioxidant things. You get antioxidants if you eat certain foods like pomegranates, blueberries, and the very popular acia berry. If you are into green vegetables, you can also get antioxidants from broccoli. What you need to be concerned with is what the antioxidant concentration is in the various fruits and vegetables and how you can add them to your diet. There are two options here, you can either eat the fruits and vegetables or you can buy a dietary supplement to get them. Many people choose the supplement because it is easier and usually costs less than getting a lot of extra fresh fruits which go bad in just a few days time.

I don’t have a complete listing of antioxidant values for you, but I do have some of the best and most popular. I’m not even going to try to explain what the number mean (it is a pretty complex and scientific), but it is pretty easy to see that 200 antioxidants is more than 100 and with antioxidants more is better so I would say that acai berry drink is best.

Admittedly, I have not seen the actual studies that produced these results, I have seen them in a lot of places so I think it is highly likely they are correct.

* Broccoli – 900 ORAC
* Peach – 1,300 ORAC
* Strawberry – 2,600 ORAC
* Blueberry – 3,200 ORAC
* Pomegranate – 10,500 ORAC
* Acai Berry – 18,400 ORAC

That’s all I really have to share. The choice is up to you, but if I was making the decision, I would pick the food with the highest value. Supplements appeal to me more than eating whole foods because it is easier and usually cheaper. In addition to that, I don’t really like fruits and vegetables that much and swallowing a supplement is easier than eating a bunch of fruits and vegetables. To me, it seems straight forward which is the best, but it is up to you if you are going to take best antioxidant supplement.

Thanks for visiting and keep an eye out for more information about acai berries as well as the newly popularized resveratrol which was talked about on 60 minutes. As with any new health supplement or vitamin, you should consult with a doctor before you start using it.

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Posted on: May 1, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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