Natural Treatments are an Effective Alternative to Prescription Medication

26th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

In recent years, there were plenty of stories in the news concerning prescription medication. In some cases, it was celebrity addiction that led to the point of illness and death. Other stories involve young adults sharing medication not intended for recreational purposes and getting caught by the law or ending up in the hospital. In other instances, less severe issues involved people coping with everyday stress with pills, when safer, cheaper methods would do the trick, have more pleasant side effects, and allow their bodies to do most of the work with healing and coping. In some cases, a person has no choice but to use conventional medicine and therapies. Pairing your medication with conventional methods may provide greater impact, but there is just no way to go natural. However, in other cases, minor problems are medicated and it leads to greater problems. Instead of opting for conventional medications everytime you are feeling under the weather or dealing with an injury, consider alternatives like acupuncture in Austin, massage therapy, or herbal remedies. Any acupuncturist in Austin can help you design an appropriate treatment plan.

A lot of folks opt for natural alternatives if they are coping with illness and injury because of the lack of side effects. For instance, pills can affect their mood. You may be taking an antibiotic and find yourself grumpy and lashing out at your loved ones. In other cases, antidepressents can have the opposite effect and make someone feel angry and sad. Medications meant to control chronic problems like high blood pressure can leave you feeling confused and lethargic. While these pills make work for some others would rather diet, exercise and alternative medical treatments to cope. Side effects of conventional medication is one of the main reasons alternative treatments are successful.

While a person could arguably become addicted to treatments like massage that addiction would do little harm besides wreaking havoc on your checking account. Finding yourself addicted to pain pills or other medications can create a major health problem and many people are reluctant to risk their well-being. They may also be unwilling to view medication as a first line of defense. When the body must rely on medication, it will no longer perform as it was meant to. Pain medications leaves you feeling weak and more susceptible to sickness and injury. Many determine it is more to their advantage to work through the pain and allow their body to heal naturally. As long as your doctor supports this decision, you may want to consider alternative treatments. You will find your body more than capable of healing, being strong, and feeling much healthier in the long run.

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