Easy Healthy Diet – How To Effectively Do It

25th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

A lot of people do not believe in an easy healthy diet, simply because going on a diet is a big challenge. If you are one of these people, then you have the wrong belief because a healthy diet does not involve unrealistic weight loss, strict health and nutrition concepts, or starving yourself to death. It is rather more on making you feel great, giving you more energy, and making you healthier. Lucky for you because you can actually achieve these great benefits through an easy healthy diet, by making careful choices of the food you will eat as well as by not eating foods that can contribute to weight-related diseases like hypertension, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and a lot more. If you want strategies and tips to healthy yet easy diet, read on.

Easy Healthy Diet

1. Take in enough calories

A healthy diet involves taking in and burning calories in a balanced manner. To say it simply, the amount of calories your body burns should not be lesser than the amount of calories taken in. The recommended amount of calories in a day should not be more than 2,000 calories; however, this can change depending on how much a person weighs, how tall a person is, how old he is, and what things he does.

2. Eat different varieties of foods

Eating healthy allows you to have a wide range of food choices because you can actually pick one from all food groups.

3. Keep food portions moderate

You should really practice this especially when you eat foods that are rich in calories. In the last few years, the sizes of foods we eat have increased, especially with the presence of fast food stores and restaurants. It may be a big challenge but this can be easier by choosing a starter instead of an entrée, splitting your orders with your diet partner or whoever is with you, and finally, you should never take advantage of big sized or supersized orders.

4. Increase intake of grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes

An easy healthy diet can be achieved easily through this as these foods are great mineral, fiber, carbohydrate, and vitamin sources. You have to remember though that the foods you should eat must be low in fat and cholesterol.

5. Drink plenty of water

According to some studies, 75 percent of our body is water. This is the reason why most tips and strategies on easy healthy diet never fail to talk about increasing water intake. Aside from the health benefits you can get, water is also a great way to lose weight because water can help eliminate toxins and waste products from the body.

6. Limit intake of salt, refined-grain products, and sugary foods

Losing weight is best done by limiting intake of sugary foods since constant intake of these foods like soda can double or even triple your weight in just a year.

7. Get moving

A diet is never healthy without the help of physical activities. Adding regular exercise and physical activity will make your diet plan work more effectively..

8. Take it one step at a time

An easy healthy diet becomes even easier if you concentrate, relax, and take on every step one at a time.

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Posted on: April 25, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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