Kick-Off Your Diet With A Natural Body Cleanse

25th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you feel that your energy is often at rock bottom and you constantly suffer with various health issues, then you may find comfort through a natural body cleanse. Most diets and lifestyles in the twenty first century cannot usually be called healthy. Over the years we put an incredible amount of junk into our bodies. Fortunately, there are techniques available that will help to improve your ability to effectively remove toxins and water products in a short time.

To start with you need to add fiber to you diet. Hundreds of years ago our ancestor’s diets would have contained much higher levels of fiber that what we consume today. Fiber is essential for a smooth running gut. If you do not get enough each day then there will be a build up of water in your colon that can lead to various digestion problems such as constipation and bloating.

You can easily source fiber from brown varieties of bread, pasta, and rice, as well as from various vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage. Avoid foods that can cause digestion problems. For example, junk foods and those high in artificial additives and preservatives.

Most people are aware that the liver plays a role in detoxifying our blood, but did you know you could improve its cleansing efficiency by taking a herbal supplement or tea. These have been proven to boost the livers functioning. Green tea is a great example. Try to stop alcohol intake, as this is difficult for the liver to deal with.

If we do not get enough water we will die; it is an essential part of our make up, but are you drinking a sufficient quantity to efficiently flush out toxins and keep from being dehydrated? Maybe not. Typically we would rather have a soda drink or cup of coffee than a glass of water, but these liquids will cause an excessive removal of water and therefore a build up of waste in the body. At least one liter of fruit juice and clean water should be drunk each day.

Exercise will also help you to clean your body. When we work out we build up a sweat. This contains various toxins that the body is removing. Also, through exercise you will be enhancing your overall strength and fitness. For the body to work correctly it needs to be in optimum condition.

Through learning specific breathing techniques you can also develop the body’s ability to transport and remove water products. By controlling your breath you can increase the absorption of oxygen into the blood, which in turn improves circulation. It is known that Vitamin C is also helpful in any body cleansing process.

If you have a strong immune system you will also be better place to deal with the chemicals contained in modern diets. You will soon notice a real difference in your stamina as well as state of mind after having a body cleansing, but be sure to keep up the new positive habits involved in your body cleansing routine.

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