Workouts To Lose Fat And Gain Muscle With Speed

25th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

I’m sorry if I burst your bubble but cardio training is not the answer to how to lose fat and gain muscle. Regular cardio can’t possibly measure up to the latest and more efficient methods of losing your beer belly. This new method works better because you simultaneously build muscle and lose fat.

Do you spend countless hours on the treadmill just running and running? Well done for trying, but this is possibly one of the least effective ways in burning fat and getting ripped. To get real results you’re going to have to change the way you train.

Even if you carried on the treadmill routine for months, you might experience weight loss, but very little muscle growth. Furthermore there’s a real chance that you’re putting your body in danger of muscle loss and even injury.

The quickest way to build muscle and lose fat is by cutting down on cardio and start weight lifting. You might be thinking that Weight Lifting Workouts are only for people looking to bulk up but you’d be wrong. Without burning fat, you will not see good muscle definition.

To lose fat fast, you have to raise your metabolism. To accomplish this, you need to focus on resistance training more than cardio exercise. This will ensure that you maximize fat burn as you build muscle up. People who do both, feel the effects of training a lot more and continue to experience fat burn even after doing Weight lifting programs.

Though this might sound easy, it’s not just a case of adding weights to your training, either. People who train and see no results don’t realize the importance of focus and attention to detail when training and simply go through the actions without much thought. An important key to success is that exercises must be done with intensity for rapid fat loss and muscle gains. In addition training sessions should be hitting as many muscles as possible.

Most marathon runners have little muscle mass because cardio involves constant activity done at an easy to moderate level which is not enough to gain muscle mass. For muscles to build you need more stress on muscle groups to stimulate growth. Compare marathon runners to sprinters and you can clearly see that sprinters are far more muscular which is down to their training.

The fastest way to build muscle and lose body fat would be a training workout intended to be carried out at a high level of intensity. Also, you should feel that you’ve deeply worked a number of muscle groups. After all if you don’t finish your workout feeling muscle fatigue, then you probably didn’t push yourself hard enough.

If you want results you have to realize that you’re going to have to work for it. Most people throw in the towel because they lose motivation or can’t handle the pain. Reaching your goal takes both mental and physical effort.

Motivate yourself daily and get it into your head that this is part of your life. Start an effective workout plan that incorporates the above and you’ll start seeing the body that you’ve always dreamed of. So rather than spend all your time on that treadmill, start lifting weights and turn up the tempo.

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