Details About The Sports Loving PeopleIn Cincinnati And Their Teams

17th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Cincinnati, Ohio has been known by various nicknames such as the Queen City, The City of Seven Hills and even Porkopolis to name a couple. Cincinnati psychologists say that it is a smaller sized Midwestern city situated right on the Ohio River and even though it is conservative in many ways, their outgoing and spirited support of sports is absolutely exuded. Cincinnati is home to 2 professional sports teams, says Cincinnati psychiatrists and quite a few college teams that are closely followed too. Most of the preferred sports here are the traditional ones of football, basketball and baseball and this article will look into some of those teams.

The Cincinnati Bengals is the professional football team here and the Paul Brown Stadium is a newly built stadium located right on the Ohio river and was listed as America’s top 150 buildings and structures and only Wrigley Field and Yankee Stadium rates higher. Marvin Lewis is the head coach and some of the favorite players on the team are Chad Johnson who is almost as famous for legally changing his last name to reflect his jersey number, Ochocinco and Carson Palmer. The Bengals had a successful 2009 as the AFC north Champions and only last week lost to the NJ Jets in the playoffs.

The other professional athletic team in Cincinnati is the baseball team known as the Cincinnati Reds. They have the historical advantage of being the oldest professional baseball team that dates back to 1869 when they were first known as the Cincinnati Red Stockings. The Reds are {famous|remembered] for their homerun hitter, Johnny Bench and the gambling scandals of Pete Rose. They play at the Great American Ballpark which is also situated directly on the Ohio River where a lot of fans will anchor their boats in the summer and try to catch a free baseball game. The current manager of the Reds is Dusty Baker and they continually dream to someday have a similar kind of program as the Big Red machine of the 1970’s.

Cincinnati doesn’t have a professional basketball team as the Cleveland Cavaliers is the only one in the state of Ohio. They do, however, have a wide variety of colleges that have some very good basketball teams to cheer on. Two of the largest fan favorites for college hoopsis University of Cincinnati and Xavier which also have a big rivalry between them. A couple of years back, Xavier had a very successful team and because of that, their head coach was recruited by University of Arizona where he now leads their program. Not only do these colleges programs draw big crowds in Cincinnati but high school basketball games do as well.

Although it is not a city that many aspire to reside in, the people that do live in Cincinnati love it and are supportive of everything that is a part of that city including their sports programs whether they win or lose.

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