Baldness Is A Pathological Hair Fall

16th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Baldness is a pathological hair fall. More often this phenomenon is observed on haired parts of a head and on the person (a beard, eyebrows, eyelashes), are more rare in auxiliary hollows and on other sites of a skin. Life expectancy of hair is 4-6 years. On reaching certain age it is replaced new, thus our scalp constantly and imperceptibly varies. Therefore loss daily from 40 to 80 hairs is the phenomenon absolutely natural. However if the quantity of hair dropping out for a day exceeds 100, we deal with a pathological hair fall that leads baldness.

Premature baldness meets at any age; frequently it is connected with any disease.

There are some kinds of baldness.

Congenital baldness. Thus there can be a total absence of hair or larger or smaller of them. Sometimes this pathology has family character.

Premature baldness develops on haired parts of a head at men young and middle age. At women usually this process is less expressed, as hormones of women influence growth of hair.

The hair fall begins gradually, usually with frontal and parietal areas, and then passes to other sites. As a result hair often remain only along the edges haired head skin parts. The reasons of this disease are insufficiently studied. Treatment is reduced to delay of process of a hair fall.

Symptomatic baldness develops as a result of the transferred acute infectious diseases, sorts, operations, an anemia, tuberculosis, a syphilis, radiation sickness, etc. In most cases at this kind of baldness the scalp through any time is completely restored.

Disease can arise after a psychological trauma, against a nervous exhaustion, sleeplessness, hormonal dysfunctions, toxic factors, the chronic infectious centers (an arthritis, caries of a teeth, a tonsillitis). Of course there are not all kinds of baldness, but these are the most common and popular among people.

Treatment of baldness is reduced first, to elimination of the reasons and treatment of the diseases which have caused the strengthened hair fall, secondly, it is necessary to adjust a normal mode of work and rest, in the third, to exclude from a diet all sharp and fat and to add more vitamins, especially groups B, and also A and E. You shouldn’t wear too warm and tight headdresses, not to go during cold weather bareheaded.

Anyway, if such problem occurred into your life, you shouldn’t feel depressed. It is always better to apply to specialist and ask for some advice. Now is century of high technologies and too much problems are solved. Just you shouldn’t close into yourself and afraid or ashamed to tell about your problem to the doctor. You close people will support you and you will not feel lonely with your problem. Try to be more confident into yourself and you will exactly find the right decision of this problem.

If you are “hungry” for more info about hair loss treatment – this site is waiting for you. Useful hair loss treatment tips and advice, realistic way to find a good hair loss treatment.

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Posted on: April 16, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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