Regular Fitness Workout With Your Workout Program 2009

10th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Now day, it is harder for one to set a side some time to exercise because of the high demand of work, family and other activities. So, a shorter time span needs to be used each day, while at the same time, giving the body what it needs. An ideal time for people who are swamped, is the thirty minute workout routine.

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From day to day you’ll remain durable and fit, using these exercises . It is important to note that this 30 minute routine should be complemented with a cardio activity that should last at least 10 minutes (like jogging, running, biking, swimming, or brisk walking), and that will further enhance your fitness level. Three times a week is adequate enough to keep your body toned and fit.

Arm and Leg Lifts

With this exercise, you will gain more muscle on your back, butt, and shoulders. First, lie down on the floor with both your arms and legs spread out. Lift you left arm and right leg off the floor simultaneously. Next, just repeat the same thing with opposite arm and leg. Do about sixteen repetitions or more on both sides, depending on how you feel.


With this exercise, you will gain more muscle on you triceps, front shoulders, and chest. For this exercise make sure you have a small set of dumbbells. On your back, while the extended dumbbells are above your chest, make sure your knees are bent, and your feet are flat on the floor. In order to feel your abs contracting, keep your shoulders/back pinned to the floor. When coming down with the dumbbells, your elbows need to line up with the shoulders. Bring you arms back to the top. Determined on how you feel, do about sixteen reps.

Crunches for the Stomach

With this exercise, you will gain more muscle in your abs. Lying on your back, bend the knees to line up with your hips and line the calves to be parallel with the ground. Place the hands behind the head without the fingers clasped, and open your elbows. Use your abdominal area to lift up your hips from the floor and bring your knees up towards your chest. Pull up your head and shoulders from off the ground, and in the same fluid motion, your hips and knees should be coming forward. You should feel a pull in your abs. Lower and repeat these steps again sixteen times or more if you can handle it.

There are other variations you might prefer that accomplish the same thing or machines to help you with it. But, you can accomplish the same thing at home by using the directions given and not straining yourself too much. Through consistent exercise, your body will become stronger and more flexible, increasing the amount of reps you do. By making sure you do your cardio and the exercises regularly, you will have a fit body.

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