The Various Types of Therapies you May Have When You Have a Bad Back

6th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

One of the most common sources of pain for many people is in their backs. This is particularly true as people get older and have put their bodies through quite a bit while working or involved in sports. Rockford back pain is something that can be treated in several ways and this article will mention some of those therapies. It will look into Rockford physical therapy, massage therapy and acupuncture and chiropractic work. It will discuss all of these treatments and which one would be the optimal one for you to treat your back issues.

Acupuncture is one of the ancient Eastern medicine techniques that dates back a very long time. The main idea of acupuncture is that there are certain points in the body that regulate the pain of the various muscles, tendons and ligaments. For example, if you run a lot and have shin splints, the acupuncture spot for the shins is located on the back of the leg behind the knee. Putting either pressure or a very fine needle into that area for treatment will help to relieve the pain in the shins. It is all about how everything in the body isare connected and affects all of the parts.

The second type of treatment is that of massage therapy. A lot of people think of massages as something you {get at a fancy|receive at an expensive] spa to be relaxed and pampered. What many people don’t realize is that massage therapy is a proven medical treatment that can help relieve considerable pain, stiffness and discomfort in the muscles of the body. It has been shown to increase healing at a more rapid rate when an area is pulled or injured For example if you strained a back muscle while lifting something too heavy, having a couple of massage therapy sessions will be able to get rid of your pain and get you back on your feet much sooner.

A third kind of treatemnt you can have when experiencing a sore back or other discomfot in your body would be to visit a chiropractor. A chiropractor handles the skeletal structure of the body instead of the muscular soft tissue like a massage therapist. They often will take x-ray images to look at the skeletal structure to see what is going on and what bones may be off kilter. A chiropractor does small adjustments to the person’s back or neck to realign the bones eliminating pain that they may have experienced.

The final type of help you may get for an injured or hurt back may be to see a physical therapist. This is usually prescribed by an orthopedic doctora physician or maybe following a surgery that was done on the back. Physical therapy is {performed|used] to regain the strength and to get rid of the pain of the area that you are experiencing. They teach you various exercises and stretching techniques to help improve that part that was hurt or had surgery. Physical therapist also sometimes use electric stimulation to get the area to heal itself faster.

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