Find The Ideal Aloe Vera Product To Suit Your Need

5th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Imagine a holiday and the idea of sun, beach and sand comes to the mind. Lets add bad sun burns also to this list! Now am i kidding absolutely not? ! have’nt all of us faced this situation at some point of time? Although I swore to myself that I’d never let it happen again, I’ve inevitably come back from the beach with a bad sunburn. So much for my 45 SPF sunscreen! I guess there are just those of us out there who have no business being out in the sun for more than 30 minutes.

But it’s just too much fun to play in the ocean, and I don’t have any inclinations of staying inside for the rest of my life, and not especially when the rest of my family wants to enjoy a day at the beach. That said, I’ve got to get serious on re-applying the sunscreen religiously every hour or two. But in the meantime, I wish to do whatever I can to keep myself from peeling. According to conventional wisdom, that means investing in some aloe vera products, the gel in particular, and slathering the stuff all over my poor back. All aloe vera products come from the well-known succulent plant that resembles ever so slightly like a spiky ball of cactus.

The gel from the leaves of this plant has all kinds of excellent properties that are used for both skin care and cosmetics. What I didn’t know is that there’s a whole new market for aloe vera products that you actually ingest. You can drink it as a juice or take it in tablet or capsule form, and some say that it’s a real help for things like minor digestive problems or naturally boosting the immune system. Whatever the scientific rationale behind it, I’m a big fan of these aloe vera products. I know there’s nothing that feels more wonderful than pulling a big bottle of that green gel out of the refrigerator and slathing it on the nasty sunburn. The cooling effect is instantaneous, and I know that applying it frequently seems to not only keep me from peeling, but helps the burn to fade more quickly. And it’s nice to know that I’m using something on my skin that’s free of chemicals, is all-natural, and has been around for centuries. It’s a skin-care choice I feel good about.

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