The Acai Berry is Getting Alot of Attention These Days – Is It a Super Fruit or Not?

4th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Decades before in the rain forests of Brazil, the acai berry was simply an weird fruit consumed by the people of this area. But today, it is one of the most sought after and costly fruits on the market. How did Acai achieve celebrity status apparently overnight?

Most northern Americans were introduced to the acai berry through television. Losing weight and hampering getting older is what Opray Winfrey had experts on to ackonwledge were true about the acai berry.

The Acai Berry Today

A simple Google search on acai berries will yield hundreds and thousands of results and introduce you to countless products, all of which claim that acai berry is a superb, miracle food. Some people even posit that the tiny berry can cure cancer.

The berry is a little smaller in comparison to a grape and is dark purple. It is native to the Amazon rainforest where ithas been consumed for hundreds of years by native Brazilian tribes. As the acai berry is so abundant in the Amazon forest, it is often said that almost 1/2 of the consumption in that area is made of the acai berries. Growing and selling the acai berry gives a generous living for these local tribes.

Coming to America

The acai berry was the high spot of an Oprah show causing a stampede of yearning for the berry. The requests for the acai berry are almost overpowering the capabilities of the supermarkets to supply these miracle berries.Because of the great hoopla surrouding the Acai, the market was ready to create many various uses for acai berries by creating different products from the berry. Currently, the most well liked product is acai berry juice, which can be found in most supermarkets and organic food outlets. The web is also a great source for finding acai berry products.

Fact and fiction need to be seperated regarding the acai berry. We shall try to distinguish these in the following couple of paragraphs. We will start with the acai berry buyers and their most prevalent claims.

The Claims

Burning more calories by increasing The speed of a persons metabloism is one of the most common claims of sellers and consumers. This has evoked a mad rush towards the acai berry juice and all related products due to the American craze towards anything diet related.

Furthermore, it is being said that this fruit can help with sleep disorders and can also increase sexual desire therefore working as an aphrodisiac. Like Ginkgo Biloba, folk are counseling that the berry can improve psychological clarity.

This is what we all know

The best antioxidant-rish products on earth is the acai berry, without question. The seriousness of this is that antioxidants help the body fight off free radicals that may cause the DNA harm and can also clog artiers. However, despite reports by many enthusiastic users that the wonder berry can really reduce growing older, it hasn’t ever been proven that raised quantities of antioxidants can reverse, stop or maybe slow aging.

LDL, the good cholesterol, is increased by antioxidants while bad cholesterol, HDL, is reduced. And in lab tests, researchers have proven that the berry has ten times the antioxidants of grapes and double the antioxidants of blueberries.

The fruit is also claimed to be the perfect mix of antioxidants, essential transacids and amino acids. This has helped make it an instant success with sportsmen and other health-fixated people. Isn’t it obvious why pro South American football players would snack on the acai berries before any and all huge games.

But how do they taste? There are many clients that recognize that the Acai reminds them of a stragely different and yet engaging array of berries and chocolate. Maybe that it is why the fruit is used to flavour cocktails, make smoothies and as a topping for ice cream in its native Brazil.

The Hype Engine

Like heaps of things in a society driven by comsumer demands, folk can often obsess about a product that is shown to be so effective. It is clear that the acai berry is indeed one of the most healthy fruits in the world today, and it can offer users amyriad of extraordinary health benefits. Unforunately, we haven’t seen explanation that the acai berry is a miraculous fruit. In truth, it is easy wishful thinking to believe that it can cure cancer or reverse or stop the aging process.

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