Ill Effects Of Smoking On Workplace Health

28th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Workplace health can be the foundation to turning around the world?s healthcare woes.The average employee is at work a very big part of his or her life and it?s only reasonable that to tackle healthcare on a national level, it should start at work.Because employees are less sick, this translates to not just savings for the entire nation but also for the employers.

Workplace health programs are very effective in the national level because of its ability to influence not just the employees themselves but beyond.Employees who learn and are educated in the office can pass down the learning to their children, as everything eventually boils down to the family level.A partnership between the government and private sector can make huge waves in solving the healthcare dilemma.Gain a better understanding relating to fruit melbourne.

To understand even further we need to take a look at some example workplace health practices currently ongoing in companies around the world.Programs such as diet and nutrition awareness programs, stop smoking policies, breast cancer and cervical cancer for women and AIDS prevention programs.By looking into these programs, one will have a better idea on how to best emulate these in their own respective workplaces.

It may seem a bit strange to talk about AIDS in the workplace, but it is a potential threat in work, especially with how sexual relationships are now more frequent among coworkers.Key information to disseminate are the dangers of AIDS, the different modes of transmission, the importance of maintaining a safe, single-partner relationship and the importance of early and regular HIV screening.Simple workplace health programs like this can make a huge lasting difference in eliminating AIDS altogether.

A considerable stake of any company is made up of women, and it?s safe to say that workplace health policies should be women friendly as well.Since breast cancer is a big concern among women, this should be included in companywide health programs.Aside from awareness, employers should help women employees detect breast cancer earlier on through regular mammography screening.Expert resources on fruit basket sydney are located on that site.

Women all over the world are very prone to getting cervical cancer and it is the duty of companies to educate their women employees about it.Cervical cancer vaccines are available but may be pricey, in this case employers can work out a group buying plan with medicine providers to get female employees huge discount on the vaccine.Good workplace health policies should make aware that vaccines though, are not perfect, and will not work for some.

Sadly, most people know that smoking is bad for their health, yet they continue to take cigarette breaks after cigarette breaks.As stress continues to build up at work, people find themselves smoking more and more at work.Employers should never tolerate smoking in its premises to keep up the workplace health.

Eating healthy should be a definite part of a workplace health policy.It?s not surprising that a lot of people are sick, obese, have diabetes and so forth, when the food we eat are all coming from factories and manufacturing plants across town, seas and even the planet.Employers can make sure canteens only serve the freshest and healthiest food to employees.

There is much much more to workplace health than this piece of writing can fit.This article seeks to promote company, government and employee to work together toward a common goal.But in the end, working together can only achieve so much as the individual is still the key to it all.

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