Easy Band Workouts With The Most Powerful Workout Programs

22nd March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Band workout routines help in overall strength. Burnt fat and muscle strength happens when the band is used. It’s use is great when one doesn’t have a lot of time to do a traditional workout. Your body can get just as good results as going to a gym or using big equipment when doing resistance band training. These routines are used to help you in your band training:

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Workouts for Bicep Curls

Step on the resistance band, keeping your feet no wider than the hips, and keep a good grip on the handles. Face your palms forward and put your arms to your sides. Pull the handles up to your should front, hold for two seconds and then return to the first position. Up to fifteen should be enough.

Chest Press Exercise

For this exercise, hold the handles in your hands and put the band underneath your arms. Place one foot slightly forward, with your knees bent slightly. Your elbows should be brought outwards to line up with your shoulders, then point your arms straight forward but keeping them at a 90 degree angle at the same time. Inwardly push your arms forward, so they remain shoulder width apart. Then go back to position one. You can do up to 15 reps of this for adequate exercise.

Squat Press Exercise

Holding the handles, stand on the band and bring them no further than shoulder level. Don’t spread your feet wider than your hips. With your back straight, bend the knees so you get into a sitting position. While in the squat stance, extend your arms upward. Bring your arms down again as you stand up. This exercise can be done with 15 reps.

Side Leg Lifts

With each hand holding a handle, stand both feet on the resistance band. Your feet should be placed on the band, hip distance apart. One of your legs should lift out to the side as high as it can, while all your weight is on the other foot. Stretch the band up and out as you do this. Return to the original position. As this is one rep, do fifteen on each leg.

You will get better and better each time you use your resistance band. Beginners will quickly learn the simplicity of using resistance bands.

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