Searching For Ways To Build Muscle And Burn Fat

20th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

We are all constantly bombarded with the reports of how people are becoming more and more obese. While there are a great majority of us who could care less and continue eating donuts, some of us want to instead burn fat and build muscle. With that being said, the problem many face is where to begin. Well it seems that luck is on your side since you found this article. Below I’ll give you 4 tips on how to get started the moment you finish reading.

Tip 1). Set a goal for yourself – What is the point of wanting to burn fat and build muscle if you don’t have an end game? That would be like boarding an airplane with no destination. You need to have something you can set out on the horizon and shoot for it. The goal doesn’t have to be outrageous, just something that you will have to put a bit of effort in to attain. For example, “I want to lose 5% body fat in two months.”

Tip 2). Treat you body like a temple – This advice goes back along way but it’s still dead on today. You need to begin eating right or your efforts will fall short. If you put junk into your body that’s exactly what you’ll get out. I’m not saying to cut out your old eating style cold turkey. You need to work in healthy foods over time until eventually they make up 95% of your caloric intake. You can still keep the other 5% for a little cheating here and there.

Tip 3). Get off your rear and do something – Having a goal and eating right are a good start, but if you want to build muscle you need to exercise. Once started, your muscles will get bigger and then the cool stuff starts to happen. First of all, as your muscles beef up so does your metabolism. Next, because of your increased metabolism your fat content will start dropping faster. Finally, you’ll begin to see the muscles that were hidden by all that fat.

Tip 4). Give your body the rest it needs – Rest is vitally important when following an exercise program and for overall health. You should strive to get at least 6 to 7 hours of sleep a night. This is especially important when following an exercise program. A good nights rest will help your muscles recover more quickly.

So what do you think? Did those four tips seem all that hard in your desire to build muscle and burn fat? I think not. The cool thing is, you can start right now. All you have to do is set aside a few minutes right now to think of a goal you want to attain and you’ll be twenty five percent closer to achieving it. Once your done there, just follow the final three tips and success will be here before you know it.

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