Cleaning Out Your Body To Shed The Pounds

19th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There are many people who say that a great way to jump start a diet and to lose weight fast is to rid your bodies of impurities. There are many different ways that people say you should detox your body. The list to choose from includes pharmaceutical products, natural drugs, of various foods. There are also other methods that are available on the internet and at your local health store. They suggest cleansing your body of harmful toxins in order to jump start your weight loss program.

You usually follow a cleansing program for a week to a months’ time in order to jump start the weight loss and reprogram your body to continue losing weight. According to the people who sell the products, the impurities in your body make it harder to lose weight. After you detox your body with one of the products it will help you burn calories faster and eat less. The detox is just one step of a diet and exercise plan and is not harmful to your body according to the manufacturers of these products.

In addition to the medications and herbs, some people say that a special diet can achieve the desired results. By following a certain diet or by fasting, the claim is that the vital organs in your body will be cleansed of impurities. Many of the plans only allow you to eat from a small list of foods. One diet claims that if you drink nothing but grapefruit juice for 3 days, you will jumpstart your diet and lose a bunch of pounds quickly.

The issue with these radical plans is that although you do get rid of a bunch of pounds at the start, that is because you are eating a lot less than you were before. It is not because of the detox program that the pounds have disappeared, instead the pounds are gone because of the lack of caloric intake. Cleansing the body of the impurities with in is not the worst thing for your body. Do not think that you can detox your body instead of following a proper diet and exercise plan. You are better off in the long run doing some six pack ab exercises everyday and forgoing the trips to fast food restaurants when you want to lose weight.

Detox can also lead to weight gain and other health problems. Instead of speeding up your ability to burn calories faster, it can have the opposite effect and cause you to burn calories slower thus packing on additional weight once you have finished with the program. If the plan includes a small of amount of liquid intake, then you put yourself at risk for other complications. (The restrictive nature of the diets and the use of chemicals and herbs can upset the balance of electrolytes in your body.~By limiting the amount and types of food that you eat, you throw off the chemical makeup of your body.~Because these plans tell you exactly what to eat and how much of it to eat, they can lead to a change in the electrolytes that you need.} The diets can also result in overeating because of the hunger that they cause.

If this is not a good plan, then what is a good way to get rid of the excess weight> The best way is the old fashioned way. Watch the food you consume and find a way to exercise. When you fill up your plate at meals use a smaller plate and take smaller portions. Make working out a priority. Make it an important event every day in your life. Your health is a priority for you. There is a world of help on the internet in chat rooms such as the biggest loser forum. You won’t see celebrities telling you to buy there videos so they can make a fortune, but this is a way to succeed. Altering your lifestyle is a plan that will work for a long period of time. Detox diets might work for some and can provide results when they are first used, but people often gain all the weight back and more. If your goal is to be healthy, than you have to maintain the healthy lifestyle by watching what you eat and working out regularly.

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