Some Sensible Weight Loss Tips

18th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Do you want to lose weight effectively? Of course, there a many fads as well as real ways to lose weight including raw foods and diet. But there are only a few ways to proceed if you are serious about lose weight. You need to take advantages of opportunities available if you really want to achieve long-term weight loss. However, starving yourself to death or even skipping a few meals won’t make you shed those pounds in a healthy way. Contrary to what you may think, reducing your weight can be a fun-filled activity as long as you take heed of these weight loss suggestions.

Make a Distinction between Good and Bad Fats

Some fats are bad, while others are good. The three types of fats are trans fats, saturated fats, and unsaturated fats. Only the unsaturated fat is healthy among the three fat types. Your heart also benefits from unsaturated fats since they control the cholesterol levels in your body. Examples of foods that are rich in unsaturated fats are fish, nuts, olive oil, avocado, and sesame seeds. The bad fats, in contrary, are found in processed foods. Before you buy a certain food product, you have to check its label and see if there’s any ingredient that is partially hydrogenated. Beware of these food products because they contain trans fat.

Get Your Body Movin’

Being sedentary can be comfortable than being active, but it can lead to rapid weight gain and poor health. According to research, a person who usually sit for a long time is more likely to gain weight quickly (regardless if that person exercises regularly) than someone who don’t. If you usually sit for long stretches of time at work, you’d better stand up, stretch, and walk around after every hour. In doing so, you prevent your body from gaining weight rapidly.

Drink Water More Often

Ditch the soda and beer. Instead, opt for a zero-calorie drink: water. Drinking more water is a simple yet effective way to reduce your calories consumption, hence making you lose weight.

Take Smaller Meals

Many studies support the claim that eating small portions of food frequently is better than having large, infrequent meals in terms of weight loss. You can use small plates when eating so that you control your urge to eat more food. {The less space you have on your plate, the less food you are going to consume.~

Be Blue!

Did you know that the color blue can help curb your appetite? Several studies have in fact supported the color’s effect on weight loss. So wear blue outfits more often, paint your dining room blue, or eat your meals on blue plates. These tips may sound ridiculous to you, but it can definitely help you suppress your appetite. In addition, studies show that vivid colors such as red and orange increase the appetite. So now, you have an idea why people are so addicted to fastfood chains and the food they serve.

Have Smoothies to Satisfy Your Sweet Craving

Typical desserts are rich in sugar and calories that only add several pounds to your weight. If you can’t help giving in to your sweet tooth, you may opt for smoothies that contain fewer calories. To prepare your smoothies, mix ice, yogurt, and fruits into the blender. Presto! You already have a tasty, nutritious, and light dessert to delight your taste buds.

Walk, Walk, Walk!

Walking may seem to be a very light form of exercise, but it helps a lot in achieving your ideal weight. Make it a point to walk briskly for 30 minutes everyday, and soon, you will realize the refreshing and weight loss benefits of this simple exercise.

The weight loss techniques discussed above are just some of the most sensible yet fun ways to get rid of fats from your body and to stay fit. You only need to invest full commitment and time to them, and you’re sure to get your desired results over time.

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