Intestinal Yeast Infections are a Very Real Peril to your Health

10th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Yeast infection of the intestinal tract occurs when the ordinary yeast in your system run amok. Although our immune defenses sometimes keep everything under control, a disparity can occur when someone is taking antibiotics, when their immune system is upset by disease or stress, or when they develop sensitivities to foods or things in their environment. When the good bacteria count is decreased, Candida Albicans, a fungus present in everybody’s viscera, can start spreading thru our tissues, and generally manifests itself as a vaginal infection or thrush. However , it may also spread elsewhere in the body and cause a systemic infection.

As Candida Albicans begins to grow, it changes from its often quite harmless state to something much more dangerous and invasive. It develops long, root-like structures that can penetrate through the intestinal lining or break down the barriers between the colon and the circulatory system. When this occurs, many damaging substances,eg systemic allergens, poisons, and irritants, can be released into the blood stream. Itis also feasible to develop a condition known as leaky stomach syndrome in which partially digested foods leak into the blood causing diverse food and environmental allergies.

There are many symptoms that will let you know what’s occurring inside your body.
* an individual may feel fatigue, weakness, muscle pain, dizziness, migraines, listlessness,
respiratory stress, and sensitivies to chemicals.
* in the genitourinary system, it may cause vaginal yeast illnesses, menstrual Problems, an inflammation of the bladder, PMS, urinary tract infections, and Cystitis.
* externally the person may exhibit hives, acne, or eczema.
* Internally they may develop thrush, gassiness, sensitivities to foods,diarrhea, hard stools, and anal
* The autoimmune system can be compromised causing arthritis, lupus, anemia, multiple sclerosis, and a large number of other
* Mentally and emotionally the person may be depressed, confused, and irritable as well as find himself faced with
the inability to focus, learning incapacities, memory loss, and an exceptionally short attention span.

Fortunately , many intestinal imbalances can be corrected inside a week by close attention to diet. Start by eliminating all refined sugars and sweet items, including fruits and fruit juices. Wheat need to be steered clear of as much as possible which means getting shot of many varieties of bread, cereals, and pastas from your diet in favour of rice, rye, oat, and barley products. Beans and peanuts are another food you should eliminate from your diet during the healing process or permanently if you have lingering intestinal yeast contagions. Focus on a diet high in meat protein and cooked plants.

You will find that if your body develops a copper deficiency, something that is commoner in women than men, which causes intestinal yeast infection, it may take months or even years to get the difficulty corrected. If you are suffering due to latterly taking antibiotics, the recovery period may also be a little longer till the medication can totally work itself out of your system.

It may seem amazing that something as tiny as the useful bacteria that live in your viscera can cause an overall infection like this, but with one or two straightforward precautions, you can significantly decrease your chances of an intestinal yeast infection.

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