5 Effective Exercises to Lose Weight Fast

7th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Proper diet is one way to keep you healthy, but when exercise is combined, it can make great difference. Many exercises for weight loss are tough to work out. It is important to lose weight when you discover that you have extra fat on your body, even though you consider yourself healthy. Get rid of those extra fats and weight on your body by including some simple exercise steps.

Once you begin to follow these 5 effective exercises to lose weight you will begin to feel a major difference in as little as a few weeks. There are many ways to lose weight, but do not get tempted with crash dieting, as it may only make you feel fatigue.Losing extra fats in an effective way without losing the natural body strength should be the main motto.

Aerobic and anaerobic are the two main exercises that are considered as weight loss exercises. The main purpose of aerobic way of exercise is to burn the extra calories with heavy exertion and intensity. Anaerobic exercise has the primary role of losing weight even while your body is resting; this is called strength training. Increasing the speed of your resting metabolic rate (RMR) is what this exercise schedule and overall program is designed to do.

This article will provide five easy combinations of aerobic and strength training exercises that will help you lose weight. The advantage of these exercises is that they can be done anywhere and when done consistently they will help you lose extra weight. Each of these weight lose exercises should be completed in sets; 2 to 3 sets with 10 to 20 of each exercises per set. If you are a beginner it is important not to rush through these sessions.

# Before getting started with exercises take a professional help.

Exercise #1 – Pushups:

Pushups are effective because they force your arms to support 70% of your body weight. The exercise has two positive results: increases your RMR and will make your arms strong.

Exercise #2 – High Stepping:

High stepping will not only work miracles when it comes to your weight loss goals, but is also very good for your heart. When it comes to getting the best results from your exercise it is better to use the stairs in your home, if your house has a second floor or a deck with stairs. Using stackable step mats or a solid based step stool will be just as effective if you do not have stairs in your home. This exercise is one of the best ways to firm your rear and give you shapelier legs.

Exercise #3 – Squats:

If you want to have shapelier buttocks and legs, then squats are the best exercise. To get the best results stand in front of a mirror to complete this exercise. With your feet should width apart squat up and down, to do this exercise properly.To increase resistance and improve your results add 2lb. or 5lb. weights once you have become accustom to this exercise.There are two main aspects of this exercise that everyone needs to know: it is important to always stretch before performing this exercise and if you ever feel any pain in your knees it is essential to stop immediately.

Exercise #4 – Jumping Jacks:

Although childish sounding, jumping jacks are one of the best full body aerobic exercises.

It is important to always be courteous to your neighbors when it comes to performing this exercise, because of the noise it creates.

Exercise #5 – Brisk Walking:

A great finishing touch to the first four steps is to finish with a brisk or fast paced walk. It is best to burn the fats compared to regular walking. Choosing a fast speed and maintaining for a small period of time and then following this with stretching will help loosen your muscles after your exercise session. Once you are tired, make some variations with faster and slower walking. When you become accustom to this exercise schedule it is important to walk for 30 to 60 minutes for the best results.

Once you have combined these sets of exercises for weight loss, you will not only burn the extra fats on your body and as an added bonus will build your body’s natural strength. While you should never break the walking schedule, beginners should perform the other steps in a few sets 2 or 3 days per week. These exercises will allow you to feel proud of your results and your perfectly toned body. When you become accustom to this exercise schedule it is important to maintain it to continue to see results.

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