Backpack-Sized Portable Water Cleansing Systems

5th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

One of the hassles of backpacking, hiking, canoeing, and other activities done in out-of-the-way places has always been a scarcity of safe drinking water. It used to be that it was relatively safe to drink from unfamiliar lakes and streams, but this is now not the case. You never can tell where the water is coming from and what contaminants might be polluting it. Obviously you aren’t going to be ready to carry five gallons of bottled drinking water with you so that you have enough to last for the days you’re out there, and since you can’t be confident about local water sources, you need some type of portable water purification system.

There are lots of small water purifiers available, many of which are in the shape of drink bottles that contain some type of a filter. Although they are sufficiently little to be easily portable and quite inexpensive, these tiny filtering systems will remove awide range of pollutants from any sort of fresh water source. Although these may appear no different than regular water bottles on the outside, you will find that the way they operate is efficient and highly-desirable when you’re in a situation where you need safe drinking water.

Another option that is available for portable water purification is a Steri-Pen. This unique system is small enough to carry in your pocket, and is capable of getting shot of 99.99% of all bacteria and viruses from any freshwater source. The tiny device uses ultra-violet light to purify a liter of water in about a minute. If you want to get rid of the contaminants from unfamiliar water sources and avoid the diarrhea Problems so many travelers suffer from due to drinking unsafe water, but you don’t need to be burdened with alarger system or have to be continually buying costly bottled water, this system might be exactly what you’ve been hunting for.

Cartable water straw systems are also available, and nothing could be easier to use. All you have to do is pop the straw into water and drink. Even though it’s tough to believe that something very simple might be effective, these tiny devices meet or exceed all EPA standards for eliminating protozoans and bacteria. Although the straws are relatively inexpensive to purchase, some of the models you will find will only purify 26 gallons of water before they have to be replaced. Therefore, they are advised for only the most vital use situations.

Modern technology has gone a long way in keeping us safe and well, and conveyable water purification systems are proving useful to outdoorsmen and ladies, world travelers, and disaster victims. There isn’t any reason why everyone can’t be prepared for no matter what takes place when it’s so straightforward and inexpensive to purchase a portable water purification system that will assure you of clean drinking water regardless of what.

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