Fight Fitness Fraud By Always Asking Questions

3rd March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Winston Churchill once said, “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.”If only Churchill could see the lies concerning fitness that are going on the Internet these days. Those who are looking for some ways how to lose weight fast are sometimes more vulnerable to deceitful advertising.

With blatant myth and scams all over, if you’re not skeptical of all the supplements, weight loss, and fitness claims, you are going to waste a lot of money.When you do, expect to lose a lot of time to become confused.

You need to compare your personal experience with the research and peer reviews to evaluate the claims that you hear.Of course it’s easy to form incorrect conclusions on their own, but you may be attributing your results to your relevant factors.For instance, let’s say you took a pill that is sold as a fat burner, and you begin to lose weight.

Put your weight loss might have been caused by something else like your nutrition or training program.Because of this you should be very cautious when drawing conclusions. Even what you thought were healthy foods to eat may not be.

Even interpreting research should be careful process.The following are three ways that will help you understand research.

First, do some reading about the scientific method, The Demon Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark by Carl Sagan is a book I recommend.

Next you should learn about fallacies and how to form a good argument.Book like How We Know What Isn’t So by Gilovich are a good way to round things out with skepticism. After you have developed better thinking processes, you can make better sense of research, news, and advertising.

You’ll begin to see through the manipulation of statistics like the kind being used in infomercials.By the way, many will actually stop a researching when they find something that confirms their beliefs.Those who are only looking for information to confirm what they already think are not very scientific at all.

For more great info, go to our weight loss forum or go to for a free report.

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