Eye exercises can better your vision without fuss

3rd March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Our eyes are frequently compared to our muscles and glasses are frequently compared to “crutches”. Some {}vision|eyesighteyesight “gurus” declare that by using glasses, you exhaust your eye muscles and decay your vision|eyesight{}. Hence, they concluded, you need to perform eye exercises to “enhance” them.

But is that correct?

Think about it. What are the awful vision habits that make your vision to decay in the first place? Staring and squinting in the dim situation makes your eye muscles to strain and tighten… supposing that anything makes vision degenerate, it is not “wasted eye muscles”, it is strain!

The word “eye exercises” are really deceiving. They are actually, more like “breathing exercises”. Eye exercises unwind your eye muscles, not enhance them! They achieve that by simulating proper vision habits and when you perform them religiously, you will subconsciously grasp the concepts behind them.

When you once again picked up correct vision habits, your eyes will naturally see sharply again. Spectacles are awful not because it “impairs” your eye muscles… they are awful because they don’t allow your eye muscles to unwind!

Just like your other senses, vision should be effortless. You don’t find yourself “trying” to hear, touch, smell or taste. Even supposing that you intend to do so, you can’t. That’s the phase you are aiming for: effortless vision! Also it can only be accomplished supposing that you get rid of your glasses and perform eye relaxation exercises. Naturally, constantly make sure you wear your glasses whenever you engage in dangerous activities such as driving or crossing the road!

Having said that, you should also consider how not making use of glasses will influence your eyesight habit. Will it make you squint even more? If this is the case, you should consider purchasing glasses with 2 to 3 degrees lower than your prescription for vision improvement. This will allow you to see reasonably clear but at the same time enables room for improvement.

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