Good And Bad Exercises For Lower Back Pain With Your Workout Program 2009

2nd March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It may hurt the back while exercising your abdominal muscles. If these exercises are continued then they may lead to severe lower back injuries, which may not be cured later on. It will help your back once you realize which exercises are causing the pain.

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It is vital to warm up before exercising the lower back. There are many good workouts for lower back pain like:

1. Exercise Doing the Pelvic Yilt

a. On a level surface, lay down
b. The knees need to stay somewhat bent
c. The surface of the ground shouldn’t touch the small of your back
d. Gradually, tense your abdomen till your lower back is close to the ground
e.Hold your body in this position for 5-7 seconds
f. Loosen up your body, afterwards
g. Start with 4 reps and slowly increase to 10 as you build your endurance

2.Back Stretch

a. On your stomach, lie on level ground
b. Using your arms, gradually lift your upper body so it’s above the level ground

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