Work Your ABS Workout

1st March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

As a society, we are facing an uphill battle against obesity. It seems almost instinctual to reach for that comfort food after a bad day. Every block, we’re bombarded with the quick, satisfying convenience of a McDonald’s, Wendy’s or Burger King. Our time is slipping away before our eyes and we feel like prisoners in our own lives, with precious little time for exercise or constructing elaborate meals at home. Obesity nearly comes natural — but we must fight, dear reader. We must fight it any way we can, whether it’s with a Slimfast shake for breakfast or a quick round of Work Your ABS Workout by Peter Carvell after work.

The Work Your ABS Workout DVD is a creation of Peter Carvell, a man who let fitness and exercise fall by the wayside until he reached 276 pounds. Peter hit rock bottom with his self image, his mood and his health. He began training under fitness expert Vince Delmonte to lose 100 pounds and rediscover his old self again. The “before” and “after” pictures of Carvell’s transformation are truly astonishing. As with many individuals who have conquered their fears of exercise and attained their goals, Peter created this video to inspire and help others to get fit just as he did.

“You don’t have to worry about changing your diet and what you eat either because you will have learnt how to control what you eat, and substitute junk and snacking for healthy alternatives,” Carvell writes at “You will begin to lose weight and see a difference immediately if you follow this concept. Your body will adapt, evolve and develop different tastes, eventually getting rid of the junk altogether.” He adds that individuals who buy Work Your ABS Workout will develop more confidence and a freer mind. There aren’t many independent reviews out on this DVD yet, but it is one of the top selling ab products on Amazon.

There’s no rocket science behind firm abs. Once you cut your calorie intake down, the fat will begin to come off. If you alternate cardiovascular exercises with strength training, you will see more dramatic, results quicker. The Work Your ABS Workout DVD helps you overcome those barriers and excuses that prevent you from reaching your goal. If you stick with any program you’ll feel satisfied with the weight you lose overall, yet it’s unrealistic to assume you can simply target your mid-section to lose all the weight. It may first come off your arms, your rump or your thighs, and you can’t change that. But by modifying your diet, incorporating a diverse range of exercises and following Peter Carvell’s advice, you can succeed.

Sarah Lomas is a foremost expert in the treating yeast infections field. Her work has been extensively published in various online publications in the areas of yeast infection medications. For more information on the treatment for yeast infections, visit

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